3 Times The Former Corruption Suspect For The Construction Of The Mount Tunak Road Project, Central Lombok, Mangkir

Three former suspects in the alleged corruption case of the road construction project leading to the Mount Tunak Nature Tourism Park (TWA) in Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, were absent from the prosecutor's summons.Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Central Lombok Kejari, Bratha Hariputra, said the three were absent for the third time from the summons for examination by investigators as witnesses."So, they have been called three times, but have not come," he said in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, August 1.Bratha said that this condition could be the basis for investigators to forcefully pick up the three of them. However, investigators are still trying to get all three present cooperatively."It could be a forced pick-up, we only have a mechanism, we don't immediately pick them up forcibly," he said.In handling this case, the Central Lombok Kejari has pocketed the results of an audit of the calculation of state financial losses (PKKN) from the NTB Inspectorate with a value of Rp333 million. Based on the audit results, the value of the loss arises from a lack of work.Even though they have received the results of the audit of state financial losses, the prosecutor's investigators have yet to determine the role of the suspect.In connection with this case, the Central Lombok Kejari has been recorded as having faced a pretrial lawsuit from three applicants who previously became suspects with the initials MNR, supervisory consultant, Director of PT Indomine Utama as project implementer with the initials FS, and SU who is the project commitment maker (PPK) official.The sole pretrial judge at the Praya District Court in a decision dated July 6, 2023 stated that the series of investigative actions carried out by the respondent (Kejari Lombok Tengah) against the applicant was invalid.This was seen by the judge from the issuance of the order for the start of the investigation (SPDP). The SPDP was received on June 8, 2023, while in the investigation warrant (sprindik) it was issued on May 24, 2023, which coincided with the detention of the three applicants.Regarding the decision of the pretrial case of PN Praya Number: 2/Pid.Pra/2023/PN Pya dated July 6, 2023 and the decision of the PN Praya pretrial case Number: 3/Pid.Pra/2023/PN Pya dated July 6, 2023, the prosecutor professionally carried out the execution on the order of the single judge's decision, namely issuing the applicants as suspects from within detention.Despite losing the pretrial lawsuit, the prosecutor's office continues to investigate using a new investigation warrant.The Central Lombok Kejari carried out this by referring to Article 2 paragraph (3) of the Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2016 which regulates that pretrial decisions do not invalidate the subject matter.The road project to Mount Tunak TWA was built in 2017. Development through the budget of the NTB PUPR Service worth IDR 3 billion.However, the road collapsed after a temporary handover of work from implementing partners from PT Indomine Utama to the government.The damaged road condition is estimated to be 1 kilometer long. Based on these findings, the prosecutor conducted an investigation by finding indications of a lack of specifications and work volume in accordance with the results of the examination by construction experts from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).
The prosecutor in the previous investigation also collaborated with an auditist from a public accountant by referring to the results of the construction expert's examination.