Second Etape Yamaha Nmax Turbo Tour Boemi Nusantara Continues Exploration To Surabaya

PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) held the Nmax Tour Boemi Nusantara, and the first stage from Jakarta to Jogja by conquering the Dieng highlands was over, which was also followed by one of the VOI teams.

Now, the series of Nmax Tour Boemi Nusantara (NTBN) touring activities continues to the second stage with the final destination of Surabaya, which is attended by various communities, media to bloggers to test Nmax Turbo's performance, in the face of the Java Island crossing for 2 days.

Taking the location of the departure point from Yogyakarta, the second stage touring this time the group will drive 400 km by exploring various tourist destinations, to iconic spots in Central Java and East Java. Starting from mountainous routes, lakes, to monuments and historic monuments in several cities that have been passed.

"After the success of the first stage, the journey of Nmax Tour Boemi Nusantara was resumed towards the East Java Island towards Surabaya," said PT YIMM's Asst General Manager of Marketing Public Relations, Antonius Widiantoro, in his official statement Thursday, August 1.

Anton said, in this second stage, Yamaha also again facilitated touring participants to feel the advantages of the Y-Shift feature and also the Ride Mode.

"We will again facilitate to feel the advantage in presenting driving quality at the highest level through inclines and derivatives in the areas of the Lawu, Magetan and Pulau Tinggi Tretes Mountains, Mojokerto Regency," he added.

On the first day of the tour, the group of participants was released from the Mangkubumi Dealer, Yogyakarta and immediately left for Solo to visit the Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace tourist spot. After that, the trip was continued to Tawangmangu to visit one of the famous tours on the slopes of Mount Lawu, namely Sarangan Telaga.

Interestingly, when heading to Telaga Sarangan, the group was first faced with a challenging path in the foot area of Mount Lawu, which is along the Tawamangu road to Cemoro Kandang. The track conditions, which are dominated by extreme inclines and steep slopes that are winding, are not only really testing participant driving skills, but are also suitable for trying Y-shift features and Riding Mode which gives the sensation of riding Turbo on motorbikes.

After visiting Sarangan Telaga, the trip then headed to Madiun City. There, the participants took the time to do a night rider together with the local community to enjoy the beauty of the center of Madiun City which is now equipped with various aesthetic landmark buildings.

Meanwhile, entering its second day, the travel route was continued to the east towards the city of Surabaya via Mojokerto. Several tourist destinations in Mojokerto such as the Pacet plateau area and Tretes were also visited by the second NTBN stage participants. The series of NMAX Tour touring Boemi Nusantara after this will continue to the third stage with the Surabaya cruise route to Bali on August 1.