Prosecutor: Harvey Moeis-Helena Lim Receives Rp420 Billion In Tin Corruption Money

JAKARTA - Public Prosecutor (JPU) Ardito Muwardi revealed that Harvey Moeis as an extension of PT Refined Bangka Tin and Helena Lim as Manager of PT Quantum Skyline Exchange received a cash flow of corruption in tin management worth Rp420 billion.

This was revealed in the reading of the indictment of the Head of the Agency for Energy and Mineral Resources (Kadis ESDM) of Bangka Belitung Province for the 2015-2019 period, Suranto Wibowo, Head of Energy and Mineral Resources for Bangka Belitung Province for the 2021-2024 period Amir Syahbana, and Acting Head of the Bangka Belitung Province Energy and Mineral Resources Office for the period March-December 2019 Rusbani alias Bani at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Wednesday.

"This corruption act was charged with causing state financial losses of Rp. 300 trillion," said Ardito as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 31.

The prosecutor explained that the corruption money received by Harvey and Helena, among others, through the tin-language processing equipment rental program between PT Timah Tbk. with PT Refined Bangka Tin, CV Venus Inti Perkasa, PT Sariwiguna Bina Sentosa, PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa, and PT Tinindo Internusa.

According to the prosecutor, the cooperation is a trick by the President Director of PT Timah for the 2016-2021 period Mochtar Riza Pahlevi Tabrani, Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah for the period April 2017-February 2020 Arwin Albar, and Finance Director of PT Timah for the 2016-2020 period Emil Ermindra.

In addition, it is also a trick by Beneficial Owner CV Venus Inti Perkasa and PT Menara Cipta Mulia Tamron alias Aon, Beneficiary Owner of PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa Suwito Gunawan alias Awi, General Manager of Operations of PT Tinindo Internusa for the 2017-2020 period Rosalina, MarketingPT Tinindo Internusa for the 2008-2018 period Fandy Lingga alias Fandy Lie, Director of PT Sarijuna Binasentosa Robert Indarto, Director of Business Development of PT Refined Bangka Tin Reza Andriansyah, and Harvey.

The prosecutor said they agreed that the payment for the rental of tin processing equipment far exceeded the value of PT Timah's prime selling price (HPP) to Rp3.02 trillion from what should have been Rp738.93 billion based on HPP.

"So there is an expensive price of Rp. 2.28 billion," said the public prosecutor.

After the tin logging equipment rental cooperation was signed, said the Public Prosecutor, Tamron, Suwito, Robert, and Fandy, they also held a meeting with Harvey.

During the meeting, Harvey asked the four of them for 500 US dollars (US) to 750 US dollars per metric ton for equipment security costs.

The four people agreed to raise security funds as if they were providing costs for Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR) with a value of 500 per metric tonne, which was calculated from the total yield of tin smelting with PT Timah.

The prosecutor revealed that the mechanism for collecting security funds as if the CSR costs were handed over directly to Harvey and some were transferred through the account where the money was exchanged orMoney ChangerPT Quantum Skyline Exchange and another fee change so that it seemed as if the money transferred was a foreign currency exchange transaction.

"After the money goes to the account of the business changer of PT Quantum Skyline Exchange, Helena Lim will make a withdrawal, which will then be handed over and managed by Harvey," said the prosecutor.

In addition to the money flowing to Harvey and Helena, state losses were also caused by the flow of corruption money that enriched Amir worth Rp325.99 million, President Director of PT Refined Bangka Tin Suparta through PT Refined Bangka Tin Rp4.57 trillion, Tamron through CV Venus Inti Perkasa Rp3.66 trillion, Robert through PT Sarijuna Binasentosa Rp1.92 trillion, and Suwito through PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa Rp2.2 trillion.

Then, it also benefits as many as 375 mining business service partners, including CV

Global Mandiri Jaya, PT Indo Metal Asia, CV Tri Selaras Jaya, and PT Agung Main Engineering Dynamics Rp10.38 trillion, CV Indo Metal Asia and CV Mitra Mandiri Employee Cooperatives (KKMM) Rp4.14 trillion, and Emil through CV Salsabil Rp986.79 billion.

The three Head of the ESDM Office of Bangka Belitung Province was charged with corruption in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining business permit (IUP) area of PT Timah in 2015-2022, causing a loss to state finances worth Rp300 trillion.

Corruption is allegedly carried out by the three by enriching themselves, others, or a corporation or by abusing the existing authority, opportunity, or facilities because of their position, which aims to benefit themselves, others, a corporation, so as to harm state finances.

Thus, the actions of the defendants are regulated and subject to criminal penalties in Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law (UU) Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.