An 8-year-old Boy Disappeared In Tamansari Finally Found, Accommodated In DKI Social Service

JAKARTA - An 8-year-old boy named Tjoeng Samuel, a resident of Jalan Mangga Besar IV, RT 10/07, Tamansari Village, West Jakarta, who had been missing for 1 day, was finally found by the Tamansari Police.

The boy who was known to be hyperactive previously lived with his mother, Yoeng Siu Lian. However, the victim suddenly disappeared while playing around his house.

Menurut Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Metro Tamansari, Aiptu A. Budiono, awalnya ibu korban yang bernama Yoeng Siu Lian melaporkan bahwa anaknya tidak kembali ke rumah setelah bermain di sekitar lingkungan rumahnya.

Then the Bhabinkamtibmas member disseminated information about the missing child to the local RT and RW groups. Thanks to the speed of good information and coordination, it didn't take long to get instructions about the child's whereabouts.

"From the information we have obtained, it is known that the child is at the Sawah Besar Police," said Aiptu A Budiono when confirmed, Wednesday, July 31.

However, the Sawah Besar Police have handed it over to the Jakarta Social Service (Dinsos) for further handling.

"Then I moved quickly to make sure Samuel immediately returned to his family's lap," he said.

After coordinating with the Central Jakarta Social Service Office, Aiptu A. Budiono and the victim's mother went to the Social Service office on Mount Sahari to pick up Samuel.

"We also handed over Samuel to his mother at the RW 07 post, Tamansari Village. We in the police are always ready to give the best for the community," he said.

Meanwhile, Yoeng Siu Lian, the victim's mother, said she was very grateful to Bhabinkamtibmas members and all those who had helped.

"I was very worried, but now I feel very relieved and happy," said Yoeng Siu Lian with tears of happiness.