The Jakarta Provincial Government Will Require An Emission Test For The Extension Of STNK

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Jakarta through the Jakarta Environment Agency (DLH) will apply the requirements for passing the emission test for the extension of the vehicle number sign (STNK). The Head of the Environmental Service, Asep Kuswanto, said that his party is currently collaborating with the Regional Revenue Agency to implement the policy.

Vehicles that do not meet emission test standards will not be able to extend their STNK. We will place emission test cars in several Samsat to inspect vehicles that do not pass the emission test," Asep said in his statement, Tuesday, July 30.

Asep added that the vehicle emission test is one of the steps to reduce air pollution in Jakarta.

DLH Jakarta has carried out more than 100 emission tests since 2022 and will continue this activity in the future. In 2022, DKI DLH conducted 24 emission tests, then in 2023 44 times, and this year 44 times.

In addition, DLH is coordinating with the police to apply electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE) for vehicles that do not pass the emission test.

"Currently, we are also collaborating with the police to apply an electronic emission test ticket through ETLE. We are coordinating with Polda Metro Jaya and hope to be implemented this year," explained Asep.

In addition, DLH Jakarta cooperates with the Transportation Service Parking Management Unit to apply the highest parking rate sanctions for vehicles that do not pass the emission test in several government-owned parking lots.

The Provincial Government of Jakarta is also coordinating with the Environmental Service in the areas of Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi to make strategic efforts to control air pollution, including joint emission tests between local governments throughout Jabodetabek.

"Vehicles entering Jakarta do not only belong to Jakarta residents, but also Bodetabek residents", said Asep.