Megawati Wants The MPR To Return To Be The Highest Institution And Holds A National Rembuk, This Is The Reason

JAKARTA - The fifth president Megawati Soekarnoputri wants the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) to return to become the country's highest institution. According to him, if the MPR becomes the highest institution in the country, it can facilitate the national boost on national issues.

"MPR mbok ya jadi tertinggi untuk munduknya masalah kebangsaan, bukan yang cere-cereh temeh, tetapi enggak yang mau, partai-partai enggak mau, ya sudah," ujar Megawati saat pidato kebangsaan dalam Mukarnas Partai Perindo di Jakarta, Selasa 30 Juli.

Moreover, said Megawati, an institution called the panel should be above the council. In addition, according to her, the MPR as the highest institution is needed if there are points in the constitution that need to be amended.

"If you have made a rule, it is consistent, that's it. Like the MPR is lowered, if there are problems that must be amended, what will happen," said Megawati.

Megawati assessed that the MPR as the highest institution in the country is the current need. The reason, he said, was no longer clear in the direction of the Indonesian nation, even though Pancasila became the basis of the state.

"Pancasila is not carried out in a sense, nationalism also doesn't understand me, so what do we want, let's beat it up," concluded Megawati.