TNI Deploys 800 Soldiers To Become Officers Of The 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony At IKN

The Chief of General Staff (Kasum) of the TNI, Lt. Gen. Bambang Ismawan, said that around 800 TNI soldiers were deployed to become officers for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day ceremony in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) on August 17, 2024.

He explained that the number of soldiers assigned followed the needs and situation at IKN, which is currently still in the development stage.

"This is very dynamic, indeed for the August 17 ceremony it will be divided into two, some at IKN, some at the Palace in Jakarta. To be sure, around 800 for ceremonies there (IKN, ed.)," said Kasum TNI in response to ANTARA's question during a press conference on the sidelines of an event at the TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Tuesday.

He continued that apart from being involved as a ceremonial officer, TNI soldiers would also be on standby at IKN for security. "Security is our main task, because the President and the Elected President will be at IKN, we are securing VVIP, according to our standards," he continued.

For the units involved in the security, Bambang has not been able to mention in detail, but one of them is the ranks of Army soldiers from Kodam VI/Mulawarman based in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

On a separate occasion in Jakarta two weeks ago, July 19, the Commander of the Marine Corps (Dankormar) of the Indonesian Navy Maj. Gen. TNI (Mar) Endi Supardi said the Marine Corps was asked to prepare two platoons of soldiers, a total of 42 people for the RI Anniversary ceremony at IKN.

"We have prepared 42 soldiers, plus supporters later and tons (command platoons), danki (company commanders), and reserves so that a total of 53 people," said Dankormar.

Endi continued that the Marine Corps also prepared four tactical vehicles for Indonesian Independence Day activities at IKN. "Wherever the Marine Corps is displayed or any event we must give our best. For that, because this will first be carried out there, we prepare the best, our soldiers are trained, prepared," said Dankormar.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo in between his activities in Jakarta last month, June 11, said that this year's 79th Indonesian Independence Day ceremony was held in two places, namely at the Garuda Palace, IKN, and at the State Palace, Jakarta.

President Jokowi explained the decision to hold a ceremony at the two locations to show the transition of the state capital from Jakarta to IKN.