The Defendant Of Corruption At The Aceh Besar Health Center Was Charged With 18 Months In Prison

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Aceh Besar District Attorney has charged three defendants with corruption in the construction of a puskesmas in Aceh Besar, each in prison for 18 months.

The prosecutor Muhammad Rais and his friends read out the demand at the Corruption Court at the Banda Aceh District Court in Banda Aceh, Monday, July 29.

The trial with the panel of judges chaired by Saptica Handini accompanied by Ani Hartati and Anda Ariansyah each as member judges.

The three defendants were T Zahlul Fitri as the Technical Implementation Officer (PPTK), at the Aceh Besar District Health Office.

As well as Marizka Razi as Deputy Director of CV Selendang Enjoying, the construction company of the puskesmas, and Said Isa as the borrower of the CV company Selendang Enjoy.

In addition to imprisonment, the Public Prosecutor also demanded that the defendants pay a fine of Rp. 50 million each, subsidiary to three months in prison.

Against the defendants Marizka and the defendant Isa, the Public Prosecutor demanded to pay compensation for state losses of Rp. 257.7 million. The replacement money for the state loss was converted with the money confiscated from the defendant Rp. 134 million.

"If the two defendants do not pay the remaining money to compensate for state losses after the case has permanent legal force, they will be sentenced to four months and 10 imprisonment," said the Public Prosecutor.

The prosecutor stated that the three defendants were legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption as regulated and threatened with Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 Paragraph (1) letters a, b, Paragraph (2) and Paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended into Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption.

The Public Prosecutor stated that the Aceh Besar District Health Office in 2019 budgeted Rp2.8 billion for the construction of the Lamtamot Health Center. After the auction was carried out, the construction of the Puskesmas was won by CB Selendang Enjoy with a contract value of Rp. 2.6 billion.

However, in its implementation, the construction of the puskesmas did not match specifications, including a shortage of work volume which caused state losses to reach Rp257.7 million.

"Based on the results of the physical examination carried out by experts, it was found that the quality and quantity of the work were lacking, including foundations, floor installations, door and window frames, electrical installations, and others," said the Public Prosecutor.

After hearing the prosecutor's demands, the defendant through his legal adviser Kasibun Daulay and his friends stated that they had filed a written defense.

The panel of judges will continue the trial next week with the agenda of hearing the defense of the defendant.