Examined About The Initials T, Benny Rhamdani Will Sign BP2MI Officials
JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdani will bring several of his members when he fulfills the summons for examination at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, today.
The examination of Benny Rhamdani is known to be related to his statement which identified a figure with the initials T as the controller of online gambling in Indonesia.
"(The examination) was accompanied by officials in the BP2MI environment," said Benny to VOI, Monday, July 29.
The reason Benny brought several members of BP2MI was because of the invitation to investigate by investigators regarding his statement as Head of BP2MI.
However, it was not conveyed in detail how many BP2MI officials would accompany him in the series of examination processes later.
"I was invited in my capacity as Head of BP2MI," said Benny.
It is planned that Benny will be examined as a witness at Bareskrim Polri at around 14.00 WIB.
Meanwhile, the figure with the initials T was in the spotlight when Benny Rhamdani bluntly called him the controller of the online gambling business in Indonesia.
In fact, the figure of T is also the mastermind behind the crime of scamming or online fraud based in Cambodia.
"Actually, it is very easy to catch who is the actor behind the online gambling business in Cambodia, and who is the actor behind the scamming online. I just need to mention the initials 'T'," said Benny
In fact, Benny also said that the figure of T was never touched by the law in Indonesia even though his identity was known.
"The president was shocked, the National Police Chief was shocked, a bit quite excited at the limited meeting at that time. This person is a person who during this republic's existence may not be touched by law," said Benny.