East Jakarta Police Are Still Investigating The Damage To The Property Of The CER 1 Duren Sawit Apartment

East Jakarta Metro Police is still investigating the alleged vandalism of the Casablanca East Residence (CER) 1 apartment property, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta on Monday, July 29.

"An investigation is still being carried out on the reported cases," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Armunanto to VOI, Monday, July 29.

Meanwhile, the reporter's attorney, Cyprus Tatali, said that his party asked East Jakarta Metro Police investigators to immediately determine the reported suspect.

"There are enough two pieces of evidence, it is legal to identify a suspect. If this is more than enough, two pieces of evidence," Cyprus said when confirmed by VOI.

The reason is, according to Cyprus, the evidence owned by the complainant is sufficient to ensnare the perpetrator.

"If there are sufficient two pieces of evidence, the suspect must and must be determined. It has been almost a month since there has been no progress. There is no need to wait anymore for the determination of the suspect," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Chairperson of the Association of Owners and Occupants of the Flats Unit (PPPSRS) together with the legal team returned to the East Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters.

Their arrival was to ask the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim investigators regarding the follow-up to reports of property destruction in the Casablanca East Residence (CER) 1 apartment, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

The reason has since it was reported on June 29, 2024 at Polda Metro Jaya and the case has been transferred to the East Jakarta Metro Police on July 1, 2024, until now the reported party has not been named a suspect.

"We, with our attorneys, come at once to ask the Chief of Police where are the obstacles? We hope that those who commit this anarchism (reported) can be immediately secured, so they don't spread anywhere," said Chairman of the PPPSRS Apartment CER1 Duren Sawit, Khairul Iman when confirmed, Sunday, July 28.

Khairul said that his party had not seen any progress in the investigation process from the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim. In fact, the Police conducted a crime scene investigation a few days ago.