Muhadjir Effendy Appointed As Head Of The Muhammadiyah Mining Management Team

JAKARTA - Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) is known to have agreed to manage the mines offered by the government.

The decision was taken at the National Consolidation Meeting held at the University of Aisyiyah (Unisa) Yogyakarta, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta, Sunday, July 28, 2024.

To run the mine PP Muhammadiyah then formed the Muhammadiyah Mining Management Team chaired by Muhadjir Effendy, who currently serves as Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK).

"(PP Muhammadiyah) appointed a Muhammadiyah mining management team consisting of Muhadjir Effendy MAP as chairman," said PP Muhammadiyah General Secretary Abdul Mu'ti at the PP Muhammadiyah Press Conference quoted Monday, July 29.

Meanwhile, its members consist of Muhammad Sayuti as Secretary, and other members are Anwar Abbas, Hilman Latif, Agung Danarto, Ahmad Dahlan, Bambang Setidaji, Arief Budimanta, Nurul Yamin and Azrul Tanjung.

"The team has the duties, authorities and responsibilities that will be determined later in the Decree of PP Muhammadiyah." continued Abdul.

PP Muhammadiyah also emphasized that in managing the mine, his party will cooperate with experienced partners in managing mines and have high commitment and integrity and alignment with the community and the agreement through mutually beneficial cooperation.

"Mining management is also carried out within a certain time limit while still supporting and developing renewable energy sources and a culture of clean and environmentally friendly living," he said.