New Babel Police Chief Inaugurated: Inspector General Hendro Pandowo Replaces Inspector General Of Police Tornagogo Sihombing

Pangkalpinang The Indonesian National Police (Polri) transferred a significant position by appointing Inspector General Pol Hendro Pandowo as the new Bangka Belitung Islands Police Chief. Inspector General Hendro Pandowo replaces Inspector General Pol Tornagogo Sihombing, who will now serve as High Officer Baharkam Polri.

"Mutations within the National Police are rolling again, currently there are a total of 157 high-ranking officers and middle officers who have rotated positions, including the Head of the Babel Police," said Head of Public Relations of the Babel Police, Kombes Pol Jojo Sutarjo in Pangkalpinang, Saturday, July 27.

The Telegram letter from the National Police Chief regarding the transfer of positions is listed in Number ST/1554/VII/KEP/2024 dated July 26, 2024 and signed by AS HR Chief of Police, Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo.

In addition to changes at the Kapolda level, there are also mutations at the main official of the Babel Police. Kombes Pol Egy Andrian Suez, who previously served as Karo Rena, will now be transferred to the Yogyakarta Regional Police, while Kombes Pol Yeyen Lesmana will replace his position as Karo Rena Polda Babel. Yeyen Lesmana previously served as the Intermediate Budget Planned for Kindergarten III Srena Polri.

Kombes Pol Jojo Sutarjo stated that the rotation of this position is part of the refresh process within the National Police, which aims to improve the performance and effectiveness of the organization.

With this change, it is hoped that the new leadership can bring progress and innovation to the Bangka Belitung Islands Police.