Police Investigate Extortion And Throwing Of Patrol Members In Ambon Village

Dozens of police officers were stoned by an unknown group of people while patrolling the Ambon Village area, West Jakarta. Currently, the incident is being investigated.

"When carrying out this patrol, our members were thrown by a small number of people," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Saturday, July 27.

The throwing of dozens of police took place on July 24. Starting from routine patrol activities carried out by members of the West Jakarta Metro Police.

Initially, no prominent incidents were found. Until finally dozens of police arrived in the vicinity of the Permata Complex, known as Ambon Village, an unknown person appeared.

They surrounded the police officer. Then literate with stones.

With this incident, the police began to investigate the siege and throwing. Because, it is in the criminal realm.

"This is still being investigated by the West Jakarta Metro Police, what do you think the motives of some unscrupulous people are throwing stones at our members," said Ade.

The perpetrators of the throwing could be charged with Article 212 of the Criminal Code up to Article 216 of the Criminal Code.