Vinanda Prameswati Approved By Golkar As A Candidate For Mayor Of Kediri

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Kediri City Golkar Party DPD Vinanda Prameswati received an instruction letter from the Golkar Party DPP as a candidate for Mayor of Kediri ahead of the 2024 Pilkada. Vinanda Prameswati said the granting of the instruction letter was a mandate and must be maintained as well as possible.

"I am grateful to get the mandate from the Golkar Party in the form of an instruction letter. I am sure that together with the Golkar Party, Kediri City in the future it can be better," he said in Kediri, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, July 27.

The handover of the instruction letter to the Daily Chair of the Suket Volunteers, Teki Nusantara (RSTN) took place in Surabaya.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the DPD Golkar Party Kediri Sudjono Teguh Widjadja said the issuance of an instruction letter from the Golkar Party DPP also confirmed that Vinanda Prameswati would receive a recommendation letter from the Golkar Party as a candidate for Mayor of Kediri.

"It is an instruction letter from the Golkar Party DPP to Mbak Vinanda as a candidate for Mayor of Kediri. It was also instructed to look for representatives," said Sudjono.

He added that after giving the instruction letter, his party followed up with a coordination meeting to determine the prospective Deputy Mayor of Kediri who would accompany Vinanda in the 2024 Pilkada.

His party also coordinated with the supporting party before the registration period, at the end of August 2024.

"If we have determined the candidate for deputy, we from the party will provide a letter of recommendation as a candidate for mayor and prospective Deputy Mayor of Kediri," he said.

Previously, the Democratic Party also provided support to Vinanda Prameswati as a candidate for Mayor of Kediri in the 2024 Pilkada, Kediri City.

Ketua DPC Partai Demokrat Kota Kediri Ashari mengatakan pihaknya telah mengirimkan surat ke DPD Partai Demokrat Jatim terkait dengan usulan bakal calon Wali Kota Kediri yang diajukan oleh Partai Demokrat.

He also added that Vinanda's team had communicated with the Democratic Party's DPP ranks and had even met with the Chairman of the Democratic Party DPP Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). The chairman of Bapilu also revealed that Vinanda Prameswati's name was on the list on the DPP of the Democratic Party.

The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia has set a schedule for the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) simultaneously which will be held in 37 provinces in Indonesia. The voting activity will take place on November 27, 2024.