Establish Healthy Friendship Relations, Follow These 6 Rules

YOGYAKARTA Making friendships includes building valuable social capital. This friendly relationship that can last until this old age, does not have to meet often. But to establish a healthy friendship, here are the rules.

Everyone needs support, and friendship is the most appropriate support system. When you think of yourself as someone else's friend, you indirectly offer yourself to be one of its supporters. Although it doesn't always have to be there, it has proven that friendship has been established. To support each other, we can trust each other, can be trusted, and be honest with each other.

Not only sharing stories about each other's lives, friends are also good listeners. Friends pay attention to each other and care. That way the relationship will last a long time.

Good friends can accept and not judge. But good friends don't have to like or agree to their friends' choices. It's just that they well accept their friend's choice no matter what. In addition, healthy friends also assume good without doubt. They don't blame each other, but give constructive input to each other.

There are no rules that say you should like what your friends wear, who they're dating, or how they raise their children. But there are written rules that you shouldn't vilify your friends behind.

Gossip is a dangerous tool to strengthen personal position in social environments. According to professor dna counselor at Northern Illinois University, totaling Degges-White, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Friday, July 26, gossip begins when talking about other people behind. Especially talking about bad things, mistakes, and failures. Well, in establishing a healthy friendship, there is no need to vilify behind. Better, give input directly gently.

Some friends may find it difficult to let other people approach them for fear of being hurt. Give them the space they need to feel comfortable and let the relationship get deeper over time. The key, open and honest.

When expecting more from others, relationships will not last long. In a relationship, whatever the form of the relationship, nothing is perfect. So apologize if wrong and forgive other people's shortcomings will make you build a long-lasting type of friendship.

Have you practiced the rules for establishing the above discussion in your friendship? It is important to understand, healthy friends remain in trouble or joy.