Exclusive Indah Permatasari Successfully Maintains Maternal Professionalism As An Actor

JAKARTA - Celebrity Indah Permatasari is again playing a role in the horror film directed by the production house Rapi Films as one of the main characters entitled Sakaratul Maut. In this film itself Indah will play Retno who is the younger sister of Della Dartyan who plays Wati.

In an exclusive interview with VOI, Indah Permatasari tried to tell a little about Retno's character. He said that Retno was a woman who tried to become an umbrella to make other people happy and follow her family's wishes.

Retno's character in the film Sakaratul Maut here is his second child. The character of the second child usually doesn't want too much time, right. So just try to please everyone. Here he tries to please his parents, following his directions. Here, Retno also tries to just follow his brother's wishes," said Indah Permatasari at the VOI office, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.

"But trying to tell you there are several things that seem Mbak Wati's wishes are not right. It seems that Retno here is also trying to become an umbrella for everyone," he added.

Back in the horror film, for Indah Permatasari, this Sakaratul Maut film provides a different experience from the horror-horor films she has starred in before. Where one of the most draining scenes is when doing a scene stuck her own head in the door.

Indah said that when she did the scene she did not use a stunt double or she did it herself even though the shooting took up to 4 days. "That's what I think is one part of the scene of Retno's gore. But I don't know what it happened between. You have to watch it on August 1 later in Cinema. Because it's a really tired scene. And there's no body double there. There's no body double like that. So I myself did it with sure I thought about the safety. Then it's a scene, the sequel is very long. It can be done with 3-4 daily shots, "the story of Indah Permatasari.

So in my opinion, the film Sakaratul Maut is very different from other horrors. Because here we are all very serious about doing that. And thank God our producer also gave a long time. That means Mr. Sunil also certainly has a good desire to be in Sakaratul Maut," he said.

In addition, being a quite dominant character in this film where the role of Retno who has to carry out a healing search mission for her father makes Indah have to play the memei that go up and down in every scene. For him this is not an easy thing to do.

Therefore, Indah admitted that the shooting process was trying to maximize the requested emotions by marking the scenario given to her as a guide to direct the emotions that must be displayed.

"Yes, here is my main mission, how can you die in peace. Because several times or for example, when he was in a coma, we were haunted. Terrorized. We don't know what it is. And finally I decided to find out that reason. Then in the search process, there are many feelings that I have to accept," he said.

When he talks to Mbak Wati, when he talks to Stepmother, when he talks to you when he is dying. And he admits that he is also terrorized, there must be a lot of scaled feelings that will be released. But of course I always note that I'm usually in my script. I always mark that, for example, in this part, it's sad, the mood is like this. Then for example, in the scene of his gore, what kind of feeling is good. Usually, I just give you signs like that, "explained it.

Indah Permatasari and her husband, Arie Kriting, are enjoying their new role as the parents of their first son, Naka. Unlike other actors who chose to take a hiatus after giving birth in order to see her growth at the age of gold, Indah Permatasari chose to continue working as an actor.

Therefore, Indah admitted that this was not an easy matter for her to carry out two professions at once, namely as a mother and as an actor. For Indah, she seems to work twice because she runs the profession.

"It's good to work twice, you could say. Because in the end when I came out of the house to work, the title worked like that. But back home we still work as mothers, still take care of children. Because after all, it's my experience when I work and return home, the child is still looking for us," said Indah Permatasari.

"So like it or not, I can't let go of that responsibility. So actually it's a consequence of the time, because I also made that choice even though I already have children and a family, but I still want to continue my dreams and preferences," he added.

Not only that, what he felt the most when undergoing two professions at once was at rest. At first Indah had to adapt more seriously to be able to adjust because she felt as if there were no holidays for her. This is what finally made Indah Permatasari have to be smart in dividing her time so that she can still take care of her children and also act.

"It's actually hard to just rest. After all, it's 24 hours of work, right, it's like there's no holiday for us. If maybe the husband comes home, he can relax because he can be a child, he's not too worried about his father, right. Yes, at most, the one that feels the most like there is no holiday. But the rest I live with pleasure, "he said.

"Like yesterday, I was shooting for the first time I brought Naka filming when I was in the series. That's when she was a baby and until she started MPASI. MPASI I couldn't let go of it to someone else. So I have to make it myself. Like for example, I woke up at 5 am. Make MPASI first, after that go location, tonight I have to prepare the needs for the next day, "he explained.

Furthermore, Indah admitted that having children indirectly also had an effect on her career in acting. One of them is related to the filming time she has to go through. He admitted that before having children he still felt free so he didn't have to have much consideration, while after having children he had to think about the child to determine the filming schedule.

"Oh yes, now there are many changes. One of them is like a consideration. For example, shooting outside the city before having a child is like oh gas. Because you just bring yourself that much. Now if you already have children, have a lot of considerations. How long will it take for you to leave your baby? How about eating it and so on. So now if you work outside the city, you think about it. So that's actually one that feels really good when you have a child, "he said.

Fortunately, Indah admitted that she was grateful for the presence of her husband who supported her career and also in terms of taking care of the child so that she could share the burden with her husband and carry out her ideals and role as a mother in balance.

"Well, thank God, I have a very, very super-supportive husband. From the start, we have discussed, for example, if we get married, we can still work and so on. He allows while I'm still able to do that," said Indah Permatasari.

"And even after giving birth I also asked again. When there is work like this, can I do this? And he allows it and he really supports it. If for example you work, it's us who are at home to look after baby. So I'm really grateful. Apart from the husband and brothers-in-law brothers and sisters-in-law, it's also very, very super duper to help, "he concluded.