Become A Prisoner In A Case Of Persecution, Unpatti Students Undergo A Skription Examination At The Ambon Island Police

MALUKU - Polresta Pulau Ambon and PP Lease facilitated the implementation of the thesis exam of a Pattimura University (Unpatti) student who is a prisoner in a persecution case.

"The perpetrator on behalf of Umar Faruk Kaisuku is temporarily detained at the Sirimau Police, but we can facilitate the person concerned to complete his study through a thesis examination as a student of the Unpatti Faculty of Law," Ambon Island Police Chief and PP Lease Kombes Pol Driyano Andri Ibrahim in Ambon, Thursday, July 25, confiscated by Antara.

According to the Chief of Police, the implementation of the thesis for detainees was facilitated by the Ambon Island Police by preparing a place for the examination at the local Police Hall, including all the completeness of the exam.

In addition, the Ambon Police have also coordinated with the Pattimura University, so that the lecturers who examine and their supervisors are willing to carry out a thesis exam at the Polresta Hall.

"This is also the first time this has happened in the ranks of the Maluku Regional Police and Polresta," he explained.

It is said, even though the National Police is firm in law enforcement, still upholds human rights and continues to provide the best service, one example is that the Ambon Police will provide an opportunity for one of the detainees to still be able to carry out a thesis exam in order to get a bachelor's degree.

Meanwhile, the administrator of the Maluku Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Munir Kairi expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Ambon Police Chief for the implementation of the thesis exam of one of the detainees.

"First of all, from MUI, we give high appreciation to the Head of Police, Maluku Police and Sirimau Police in helping facilitate and facilitate the Kaisuku thesis exam," he said.

This is a positive thing and God willing, in the future it can be an example for other leaders and can continue well, because it involves human rights, because of their status as suspects, but they have the right to complete education.

He said the issue of developing if the examination of Faruk took place in the cell room, it was not true, instead the facilities were given properly in the Ambon Police Headquarters hall.

The King (Kades) of Lisabata Lauhin Kolly also expressed his gratitude and high appreciation to the Ambon Island Police Chief and his staff.

"I would like to thank the Police Chief for doing the best for the perpetrators in order to settle their rights as a student who happens to be a suspect in a case of persecution," he said.

He will explain to the public that the information circulating that the examinee in the detention cell is not true, because the Police Chief facilitates all these activities well.

Faruk's parents, Mrs. Siti Pulu, expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the Ambon Police Chief and all ranks, because initially they suspected that the detainees would undergo a thesis test in the cell room.