Police Pretext Has Not Yet Held A Case Of Alleged Blasphemy Of Pastor Gilbert's Religion
The investigation into the alleged blasphemy case involving Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong has not been completed. The police argued that until now they are still examining experts so that the case title process has not been carried out.
The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said that the experts who were being asked for their opinion regarding the alleged blasphemy were criminal experts and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
"Regarding the alleged blasphemy, unscrupulous pastors have not yet held a case because the team is still investigating MUI and criminal experts," Ade told reporters, Thursday, July 25.
The title of the case in question is to determine whether there is a criminal element. If found, then, the status of the case will go up to the investigation stage.
In addition, Ade also conveyed other reasons for not holding a case, namely that investigators had only received two new reports from other regional police.
Pastor Gilbert is known to have also been reported for similar cases at the South Sumatra Police and the South Sulawesi Regional Police.
"Because the investigation team recently received the transfer of police report files from Palembang and from Makassar, the investigation was carried out, the investigation was then processed," said Ade.
As a reminder, Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong was reported for the case of blasphemy because his lecture compared zakat between Muslims and Christians.
From the video circulating on social media, Pastor Gilbert is considered to have insulted Islam because he only paid zakat 2.5 percent and boasted because Christians used to give up 10 percent.
According to Gilbert, he said this when he mentioned the prayers of Muslims who must be pure first.
"I was taught Islam cleanly before praying, washing everything. I said, you are 2.5 percent myself 10 percent," said Pastor Gilbert.
Gilbert also said that with 10 percent alms, Christians do not have to bother worshiping. They only sing while the worship of Muslims is quite heavy, because they have to fold their feet at the end of the day.