Mother's Case Sued By Child Due To Fake Signatures In Karawang, Judge Asks 2 Communication Parties

JABAR - The Panel of Judges at the District Court (PN) of Karawang Regency asked the mother who was sued by her child because of the case of forgery of signatures in the heir certificate to build communication so that restorative justice can be achieved.

"We have opened a RJ (restorative justice) room. So Kusuhi's mother (the defendant) often communicates with her mother's child, Stephanie (the reporter) or her lawyer," said Nelly Andriani, Chair of the Karawang District Court Judge in the case of her biological mother's suer's son, in Karawang, Thursday, July 25, was confiscated by Antara.

Hal tersebut disampaikan saat akan menunda persidangan, karena Kusuhi yang berstatus terdakwa mengaku sedang sakit saat ditanya kabarnya oleh majelis hakim.

In the sick condition, Kusu Botali was not accompanied by a single lawyer.

Furthermore, the panel of judges in the case of the mother who was sued by her son for the case of forgery of signatures in the heir statement postponed the trial.

"As for Kusu's mother, her condition is sick, and it is not possible to attend the trial, the trial will be postponed and will continue on Tuesday (July 30)," he said.

The panel of judges said that whether Kusu Botaki's lawyer was present at the next trial or not, the trial would continue if Kusu Botaki's health condition improved.

Meanwhile, Stephanie (the reporter) took legal action regarding the alleged forgery of signatures in the Certificate of Waris (SKW) dated February 27, 2013.

In this case, the reported party who is now the defendant is his biological mother, Kusu Lumpuri.

The heirs' certificate was made in Nagasari Village, West Karawang District and the minutes of the EGMS PT EMKL Bimajaya Mustika.

So that at the next trial it is scheduled to ask notary and kelurahan for information.