Bareskrim Dismantles Online Prostitution Offering Minors To Less Famous Celebrities
JAKARTA - The Directorate of Cyber Crime, Bareskrim Polri revealed the practice of online female exposure. There are four people named as suspects, namely YM, MRP, CA, and MI. The four of them have different roles ranging from admins, talent recruiters, marketing to pimpsWadirtipidsiber Bareskrim Polri Kombes Dani Kustoni said the women offered ranged from children to children that the age to secondary or celebrities were less well-known.The form of exploitation of women in this case is to make them commercial sex workers (PSK)."The modus operandi of the perpetrators is to offer sexual services or open BO women consisting of underage women. Then there are also adults. Then there is a term from them, namely less famous celebrities or celebrities. Then foreign nationals and of course others," explained Dani when releasing the case at Bareskrim Polri, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 23.In action, this group is said to be very organized. This group offers prostitution services through social media X. Then, for mashers who are interested will be directed to join the Telegram group."This perpetrator carried out (prostitution) through X's social media account and became a member or made a telegram member group under the name Premium Place," he said.After joining, members are also required to pay IDR 500 thousand to IDR 2 million to access these prostitution services."Member group Telegram Premium Place is approximately 3,200, so there are 3,200 members in the group or maybe 3,200 people," said Kustoni.
They are charged with Article 45 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 52 paragraph 1 of Law number 1 of 2024 concerning the second amendment to Law number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. The suspects face a maximum imprisonment of 15 years.