Impact Of CrowdStricte Update: 8.5 Million Windows Devices Paralyzed

JAKARTA Millions of devices with Windows systems were unable to work on July 19 due to the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This situation makes activity in the banking sector to aviation paralyzed. This problem is caused by the update of CrowdStrice, a provider of cybersecurity software. According to Microsoft reports, this disruption occurred in 8.5 million devices. Despite the sound of a large number, this number is only one percent of the Windows machines operating. "Although the percentage is small, the broad economic and social impact reflects the use of CrowdStrice by companies that run many essential services," said Microsoft's Vice President of Corporate Security and OS David Weston. With the occurrence of this problem, Weston explained that the operation and application of a secure technology ecosystem must be prioritized. In addition, collaboration between software platforms and security vendors is indispensable to address this issue.

As BSOD suddenly struck the Windows system, Microsoft immediately collaborated with CrowdStrice to automate their work in developing solutions. Improvements to this problem have been released at the Windows Aircraft Center. Microsoft has also collaborated with various cloud provider services such as Google Cloud Platforms and Amazon Web Services (AWS) in observing the impact across the industry. In addition, Microsoft continues to release its latest status on Azure Status Dashboard. "Although this is not a Microsoft incident, considering this affects our ecosystem, we want to provide updates on the steps we have taken with CrowdStrice and other companies to repair and support our customers," Weston explained.