Kukar Regency Government Strives For Overseas Scholarships For S1 And Master's Levels Through Apkasi

KUKAR - The importance of increasing education at the college level is the concern of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Government (Kukar Regency Government), East Kalimantan. Currently, scholarships to within and outside the country for undergraduate and undergraduate students are being pursued to run optimally.

This scholarship is a program facilitated by the Association of Indonesian Regency Governments (Apkasi).Apkasi facilitates scholarships for students in regions by cooperating with 14 State Universities (PTN) and the Adiluhung Nusantara Education Foundation (YPAN). "The scholarship program facilitated by Apkasi and related parties is not only for domestic scholarships, but also for sons and daughters who want to study abroad, especially China, Turkey and Egypt," said Assistant II Setkab Kukar Ahyani Fadianur Diini in Samarinda, Sunday, as reported by ANTARA.Cooperation scholarships of various parties under the name of the Golden-Daerah Indonesian Scholarship Program (BIE-D), this year first socialized to the East Kalimantan region, including the Kukar Regency Government at two days ago at a hotel in Samarinda. He said that the Kukar Regency Government is also conducting a scholarship verification process, so this can also make it easier for students to enter universities both for domestic and foreign programs scholarships. "The Kukar Regency Government certainly welcomes both what has been done by Apkasi and related parties, in particular scholarships abroad. The Kukar Regency Government has also provided scholarships abroad, so that the existence of programs from this Application will certainly increase in number," said Ahyani.

"For this reason, we hope that each region can maximize the existing quota to support sustainable development, in order to improve the human resources of the Indonesian people," he said. The former Regent of Nias said that so far there has been an assumption that entering state universities is a difficult thing for the region, therefore Apkasi chose the program and is the first time in Indonesia to partner with 14 PTN. "So far, the region still faces limited opportunities for higher education in quality PTN, even though education occupies an important position in supporting the development of potential in the region, and this BIE -D program is a new hope for local governments to be a facilitator to realize long-term investments," he said.