Deputy Minister Of Investment Yuliot Calls Foreign Investor Plans In IKN, Interested In This Sector

Deputy Minister of Investment/Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Yuliot Tanjung said there was a plan for foreign investors to invest in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

Yuliot said that there are already foreign investors who will invest in renewable energy or renewable energy. "There are already (foreign investors in IKN). This yesterday was recorded in the system in renewable energy and infrastructure," said Yuliot when met at the office of the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Jakarta, Thursday, July 18. However, Yuliot has not been able to provide further information about which countries are interested in investing in it. So, from which countries need to be checked again," he concluded.

Previously, the IKN Authority (OIKN) noted that currently the number of investment interest letters or letter of intent (LoI) has reached 421 letters. "Now 421 in number (LoI)," said Deputy for Investment and Funding of OIKN Agung Wicaksono when met at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, Friday, July 12.

As for May 28, 2024, OIKN reported that LoI's total is 407. This means that the investment interest letter position has increased by 14 LoI over the past month. So far, 45 companies have, "he added.