Buy Cash House, Arafah Rianti Makes Preparations To Stop From Entertainment

JAKARTA - Komika Arafah Rianti recently just bought a house in cash. Arafah admitted that the house was purchased from his savings which he had been doing for a long time.

"How can I say, how long I don't know, it seems like years of buying a house, but thank God, because there is a lot of sustenance, it's like I really need a house, so I bought a house," said Arafah Rianti in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, July 17th.

Arafah explained that he deliberately bought a house in cash because he did not want to be dizzy with house installments, especially with non-routine income.

"Yes, buy cash because you don't want to be dizzy because if it was like that, it would be like a mortgage, just because it's really difficult, if the artist's work is difficult, right," said Arafah Rianti.

"So the mortgage is like the job is not necessarily like a bank, maybe it's like being worried, 'this person can't pay the installments?' So I just bought cash," explained Arafah Rianti.

In addition, the house purchased by Arafah Rianti is also a form of preparation in the face of natural selection in the entertainment world.

This 26-year-old woman is aware that she will not always continue to work in the entertainment world so she has to save often.

"Oh yes, because we have to save, because sometimes there are jobs like me, sometimes they don't, so sometimes they are really rich, sometimes they are really poor," he explained.

"So if you look like 'ih time for artists to eat chicken noodles on the side of the road', that's okay, it's okay, there's no money anymore," he said.

Arafah Rianti (Instagram @arafahrianti)