Police Hold Reconstruction Case Of Burning Journalists' Houses In Karo, North Sumatra, Lusa

North Sumatra Police Chief Komjen Agung Setya Imam Effendi said his party would hold a reconstruction of the burning of the Tribrata TV journalist's house, Rico Sampurna Pasaribu, in Karo Regency, North Sumatra, on Friday (19/7).

The Kapolda explained that the stage would be carried out because the North Sumatra Police had received the results of the examination of the suspect's mental condition from a psychiatrist and psychiatrist.

"As a result, we see that there is a match between the results of the psychiatric examination and the minutes and the results of the treatment so far," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 17.

The examination continues to the stage of the TKP reconstruction. As for the implementation later, he said, the North Sumatra Police would synchronize the statements of witnesses and the confessions of the suspect with evidence at the crime scene and other places.

After that, his party will build a new hypothesis by looking at whether or not there are intentional elements.

"Of course what we hope is that we can get an idea of the platform that we get from the testimony of witnesses, suspects, and evidence that we have processed," he said.

Previously, the North Sumatra Police named three suspects in the burning of the house that killed Tribrata TV journalist Rico Perfect Pasaribu. They are RAS, YT, and B.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said that suspect B was the person who ordered the other two perpetrators to burn the victim's house.

"Suspect B ordered YT to burn, and gave Rp130 thousand to RAS to buy Pertalite oil and diesel used to burn the victim's house," said Hadi.

It is known that the fire incident that occurred on Thursday (27/6) in the early hours of the morning resulted in four fatalities, namely Rico Perfect Pasaribu, EphRIDa Boru Ginting (wife), Sudi Inveseti Pasaribu (child), and Lowi Situngkir (grandson).