MUI and Controversy: When Its Members Presumptuously Meet Israeli President

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government's attitude towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has never changed. Indonesia has always sided with Palestine. Because, colonialism over the world, whatever its form, must be abolished. However, this commitment was actually violated by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

MUI member Istibsyaroh actually secretly scheduled a meeting with the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin. Israel can be happy to welcome guests. However, all Indonesian people condemned the actions of MUI members.

Indonesia's siding with Palestine is nothing new. This commitment has continued to exist since Indonesia's independence. Solidarity between nations that were once colonized is the source. Indonesian people already understand the bitterness of colonialism.

Indonesian independence then became Indonesia's door against colonialism throughout the world. Support to Palestine continues to be provided. There is no place for Israel either. Indonesia never wanted to recognize Israel as a country.

This commitment has been passed down from generation to generation, from one president to another. However, not many people really understand Indonesia's attitude. The MUI has even injured the Indonesian people. MUI member who fills the position of Chair of Women, Youth and Family Affairs, Istibsyaroh secretly flew and met with the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin.

Chairman of the Women, Youth and Family Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Istibsyaroh. (

The meeting between Istibsyaroh and six other people was initiated by the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC). The meeting took place at President Rivlin's residence on January 18 2017. The meeting was filled with simple talks. President Rivlin revealed a lot about the sentiments of people around the world who consider Israel to be hostile to Muslims.

This condition made anti-Israel attitudes global. Rivlin emphasized that Israel accepts all religions. They are very open to diversity. Rivlin also hopes that Israel-Indonesia can work together in all fields.

It is hoped that this relationship will open up friendship between the two countries in the future. Istibsayroh also felt honored to be invited by the President of Israel. She emphasized that Indonesia itself is actually used to matters of diversity. This view seems to imply that Israel and Indonesia are no different.

“It is an honor to be here, as President of the Institute of Higher Education, as chairman of the Islamic Council, and as a former senator of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia consists of more than 17 thousand islands, and flying from one side to the other can take ten hours.”

"Even though there are many different religions and cultures, they are all one as Indonesian citizens," said Istibsayroh as quoted on the website of the Israeli Embassy to the United States, January 18 2017.

Flood of Criticism

The meeting of Istibsyaroh and six colleagues was leaked. The leak was because the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs uploaded a photo of them together. Istibsyaroh, who is part of the MUI Women's Empowerment Commission, was praised by Israel as one of the leaders of Indonesian Muslims.

The existence of the news and the photo made the MUI panic. Instead of praise, MUI and Istibsyaroh received criticism from here and there. The Indonesian people's trust in the MUI, which in fact often positions itself as supporting Palestine, has declined.

The strongest criticism came from the Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Fahri Hamzah. He revealed that the MUI should understand that Indonesia does not have any diplomatic relations with Israel. Indonesia also does not recognize the existence of Israel. This visit should be prohibited by the Indonesian government and the MUI.

MUI itself also reacted. In fact, it doesn't really matter if the member's agenda for going to Israel is only to make a pilgrimage to the Al Aqsa Mosque. However, because there were political concerns about meeting the President of Israel, it had clearly tarnished the MUI's name.

The organization, which was formed during the New Order era, promised to prepare a special session. In fact, plans to dismiss its members have been prepared. The problem then just evaporated.

"What important figures need to realize, especially, is to realize that we do not have diplomatic relations with Israel because that shows and makes us proud. Moreover, a visit to Israel is the same as insulting the founding fathers of the nation, insulting Bung Karno, insulting the mandate of the opening of the Constitution."

"There are people who make a pilgrimage to Palestine to go to Al-Aqsa and so on. If people are tourists, they just keep quiet and don't meet officials. But if they meet officials and so on, it's their intention to recognize a country that we don't recognize. So that's what we have to be aware of, "especially if he is a member of the Ulama Council, it is very unfortunate because this is very principled, especially with so many ulama fatwas in this world not to accept (Israel)," said Fahri Hamzah as quoted on the page, January 20 2017.