Looking For Causes Of Orangutan Death In Riam Village, West Kalimantan, BKSDA Performs Bangkai Surgery

The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) conducted an investigation into the case of orangutan death in Riam Berasap Jaya Village, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).

The head of the West Kalimantan BKSDA, RM. Wiwied Widodo, said that his party carried out a necropsy method or animal carcass surgery against the orangutan. "In order to find out the cause of death of orangutans in detail, a necropsy has been carried out on the carcass of orangutans, and a wound on the lower back with a width of three cm and a depth of seven cm which is indicated to be exposed to sharp objects," he said in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Monday, was confiscated by Antara. Wiwied explained that his party carried out further investigations together with the Center for Environmental and Forestry Law Security and Enforcement (BPPHLHK) for the Kalimantan region section III Pontianak and the West Kalimantan Police.. "We will localize the scene and carry out further investigations regarding cases of orangutan deaths in Riam Berasap Jaya Village together with BPPHLHK Region III Pontianak and Polda West Kalimantan," he said. Nekropies are a process of dissecting animal carcasses which is an act of medical investigation of disturbances or abnormalities in the animal's anatomy as a whole, with the intention of knowing the cause of animal mortality.

In addition to carrying out necropsy and investigations into the orangutan carcass, his party also found an orange girl who was injured in the leg. Seeing this, his party immediately carried out a rescue of the orangutan. "Meanwhile, in the orangutan, there were injuries to the leg so that the team decided to rescue and take care of the orangutan rehabilitation center to recover her condition first, before being returned to her natural habitat," he said. West Kalimantan BKSDA received information that orangutans had been found dead around the community garden in Riam Berasap Jaya Village, Sukadana District, North Kayong Regency. In order to follow up on reports of orangutan mortality, the West Kalimantan BKSDA Section Conservation Region I Ketapang immediately carried out field checks to ensure the truth of the report. From the results of field checks that have been carried out by the West Kalimantan KSDA Hall together with Balai TN Gunung Palung and the YIARI medical team, it is known that at that location female orangutan carcass was found with an estimated age of between 19 to 20 years, and a female teenager orangutan estimated to be 4 to 5 years old hanging over a tree right at the same location as the discovery of the orangutan carcass. Physical examination results in the field, it is known that the orangutan carcasses were injured in the lower back.