Comparison Of PVC Vs Ceiling Ceiling Gypsum, Which Is Better?

YOGYAKARTA - Ceiling selection is very important when building new houses and renovations. PVC ceilings and gypsum ceilings have become two types of ceilings that have been popularly used in recent years. Many have asked which PVC ceilings and gypsum ceilings are better?

Each type of ceiling has its own advantages or advantages as the ceiling of the room. Home owners usually choose the ceiling in terms of material or function and aesthetics to beautify the house.

Both PVC and gypsum ceilings have waterproof capabilities. With this feature, these two ceilings are highly recommended for installation in humid areas such as kitchens or bathrooms.

These two ceilings also have different features, according to their respective advantages and disadvantages. As an important consideration for the comfort of your residence. first understand the difference between the PVC ceiling and the gypsum ceiling.

To answer which one is better between the PVC vs ceiling gypsum, first of all, you have to look at the needs and preferences of each owner of the house. In choosing the ceiling for the ceiling of the house, people usually consider several factors ranging from function, aesthetic and taste, to budget.

To be more confident in choosing the ceiling and so as not to make the wrong choice, you need to know the difference between the PVC ceiling and the following gypsum ceiling:

The PVC ceiling is a ceiling made from Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) materials, a type of plastic that is strong, durable, and resistant to moisture. This ceiling usually consists of PVC panels mounted on the ceiling to provide a neat and aesthetic look.

The main advantage of the PVC ceiling is its resistance to water and humidity, so it is very ideal to use in areas prone to water. For example, installing this type of ceiling in a bathroom, kitchen, or room with high humidity.

In addition, the PVC ceiling is easy to maintain and clean compared to other types of ceilings. You can clean it with wet laps and light cleaning. PVC ceilings are available in various styles and designs, including those that mimic the texture of wood or natural stone.

So you can choose a ceiling that suits the style and decoration of the room. Another celebration of the PVC ceiling is the installation and relatively easy repair because the material has good flexibility.

But keep in mind that the PVC ceiling may not provide a smooth appearance or the same as a gypsum ceiling or other natural ingredients. Some may feel that the PVC ceiling has a less aesthetic appearance. In addition, the PVC ceiling can smooth off slightly with extreme temperature changes, thus requiring special care.

The gypsum ceiling is a ceiling made of gypsum material or what is often known as a plasterboard or drywall. Gypsum is a material consisting of a mixture of gips, water, and other additional ingredients.

The gypsum ceiling consists of gypsum panels mounted on the ceiling to provide a neat and aesthetic look. The main advantages of the gypsum ceiling are their subtle, natural, and aesthetic appearances.

Gypsum presents a smoother and more flat surface, making it look more elegant and premium compared to several other types of ceilings. The gypsum ceiling also allows for more complex design fabrication, such as reliefs or layered designs.

In addition, the gypsum ceiling has good strength and stability. Gypsum tends to be stronger and more stable compared to the PVC ceiling or several other ceiling materials, so it is more resistant to physical damage and temperature changes.

The gypsum ceiling also has good sound isolation properties, so it can help reduce the inter-rooming sound. In addition, gypsum also has the nature of thermal isolation which helps maintain room temperature.

However, keep in mind that the gypsum ceiling is not resistant to moisture and water. If exposed to water or excess moisture, gypsum can be damaged and swelled. Therefore, the gypsum ceiling is more suitable for use in rooms with low or normal humidity levels, such as living rooms, family spaces, or offices.

Such is the comparison of PVC vs ceiling gypsum in terms of excesses and deficiencies. The PVC ceiling and gypsum ceiling are located in materials or materials, their functions, and as well as designs. Make sure you choose the ceiling that suits your needs and preferences. Also read the limits of subsidized house renovation.

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