Autonomous Trains Without Relators Scheduled To Arrive At IKN At The End Of This Month

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that the series of railless autonomous trains or Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) is scheduled to arrive later this month in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), North Panajem Paser, East Kalimantan.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation when reviewing the location of the autonomous tram line on Jalan Rabu Kebangsaan in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN, Friday, July 12.

The autonomous tram series has been sent from China in early July 2024. According to calculations, the expedition ship carrying the autonomous trend will arrive at Balikpapan Port and is scheduled to arrive at IKN at the end of July 2024 after the customs process is complete," he said in an official statement, Friday, July 12.

Budi is also optimistic that the railless autonomous train can operate at IKN in August.

"Thus, autonomous trams will certainly be able to operate in August 2024," he said.

After arriving at IKN, continued Budi, the autonomous train component is planned to be assembled and starting to be tested internally. Then, preparations and joint testing will also be carried out, followed by the implementation of Proof of Concept (POC) in August 2024.

Furthermore, Budi explained that the showcase plan aka a demonstration will be held from October to December 2024.

"Hopefully this schedule can be realized according to plan, and the autonomous trams in IKN can really inspire other cities in Indonesia in terms of developing smart transportation," he explained.

Budi also said that autonomous trains are a leap in the use of new technology in the world of transportation in Indonesia, namely railless trains. Autonomous trains are operated using batteries with the operation being guided through the reading of road markings through sensors.

"So this vehicle is effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using fossil energy," he said.

Budi also explained that the National Ambu Road to be traversed by an autonomous train has a very fine texture.

This will certainly make passing motorists and passengers comfortable.

Meanwhile, he continued, it has also been decided that the Ministry of PUPR will soon build a bus stop to support the operation of this Autonomous Tram.

"Interestingly, the bus stop to be built will not only be useful as a place to ride passengers, but will also function as a place to carry out charging," concluded the Minister of Transportation.

For your information, the autonomous train brought to Indonesia amounts to one trainset consisting of three trains. The autonomous train presented has proven reliability, because it has been recognized in several countries.