PLN And The Banyumas Regional Government Cooperate To Use Waste For Co-firing PLTU

PT PLN (Persero) through the Subholding of PLN Energi Primary Indonesia (PLN EPI) has agreed to cooperate with the Banyumas Regency Government and PT Sinergi Energi Utama regarding waste processing in Banyumas Regency, Central Java as raw materials for co-firing biomass.

President Director of PLN EPI, Iwan Agung Firstantara hopes that this joint collaboration will be able to integrate the management of potential and waste resources into biomass effectively and efficiently. Thus, this effort will support regional development, improve community welfare and preserve the environment.

PLN EPI as an integrator and an environmentally friendly primary energy aggregator, is ready to absorb waste processing into biomass run by the Banyumas Regency Government and PT Sinergi Energi Utama. The success of this agreement is expected to be a model that will be replicated in various other locations so that it further increases its contribution to achieving Net Zero Emissions," explained Iwan.

Furthermore, the President Director of PT Sinar Energi Utama, Taufiqqullah Ande, stated his commitment to the success of this green collaboration. His party as the offtaker of waste in Banyumas is ready to carry out further processing so that the waste porridge meets the biomass requirements for co-firing at the PLTU.

"This will both benefit all parties, namely reduced Banyumas waste, reducing emissions from piles of garbage, improving the local economy and increasing the provision of biomass by PLN EPI," he explained.

The Acting (Pj) Regent of Banyumas, Hanung Cahyo Saputro, said that his party welcomes the collaboration with PLN EPI which will utilize waste porridge into biomass for co-firing Steam Power Plants (PLTU). Hanung added that the processing of waste into biomass will be an alternative product for Integrated Waste Management Sites (TPST) in Banyumas which currently has produced economical-valued waste processing products such as compost, paving, bricks and plastic seeds.

"The Banyumas Regency Government welcomes this collaboration, where PLN EPI will utilize waste porridge, which is one of the waste processing products in Banyumas, as a biomass for PLTU co-firing," said Hanung.