Binjai-Langsa Toll Tariffs Rise, Check Details

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya (Persero) has adjusted the tariff on the Binjai-Langsa toll road.

First, there will be an increase in tariffs in section 1 of Binjai-Stabat and the application of tariffs for the first time for section 2 of Stabat-Tanjung Pura.

This is done based on the Decree (SK) of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No. 1478 / KPTS / M / 2024 concerning Adjustments of the Binjai-Langsa Toll Tariff Section 1 (Binjai-Stabat) and Determination of Section 2 Tariffs (Stabat-Tanjung Pura).

Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Hutama Karya Adjib Al Hakim said Hutama Karya had carried out massive socialization to the public regarding the adjustment and determination of this tariff through a number of online communication channels to outdoor media, such as banners and billboards along toll roads and conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD) together with stakeholders, regulators, academics and policy observers.

"We hope that the socialization that has been carried out can increase the understanding of toll road users regarding good and correct driving rules on toll roads and the benefits of the presence of this toll road," said Adjib in a written statement, Friday, July 12.

Meanwhile, Member of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), Elements of the Community, Tulus Abadi, said that the adjustment and determination of this tariff was carried out based on the assessment and feasibility test of the toll road before the Ministerial Decree was finally issued regarding the amount of the tariff.

"In this case, Hutama Karya has fulfilled all the substances and indicators in accordance with the applicable SPM. So, according to regulations, it is time to adjust the tariff in Section 1 (Binjai-Stabat) and determine the tariff in Section 2 (Stabat-Tanjung Pura)," he said.

The following is the full tariff after the adjustment is made:

1. Binjai Toll Gate

Binjai-Stabat advice:

Group I: IDR 16,500

Group II: IDR 25,000

Group III: IDR 25,000

Group IV: IDR 33,500

Group V: IDR 33,500

Binjai-Kuala Bingai:

Group I: IDR 27,500

Group II: IDR 41,000

Group III: IDR 41,000

Group IV: IDR 55,000

Group V: IDR 55,000

Binjai-Tanjung Pura:

Group I: IDR 54,500

Group II: IDR 81,500

Group III: IDR 81,500

Group IV: IDR 109,000

Group V: IDR 109,000

2. Stabat Toll Gate

Stabat-Kuala Bingai:

Group I: IDR 10,500

Group II: IDR 16,000

Group III: IDR 16,000

Group IV: IDR 21,500

Group V: IDR 21,500

Stabat-Tanjung Pura:

Group I: IDR 37,500

Group II: IDR 56,500

Group III: IDR 56,500

Group IV: IDR 76,500

Group V: IDR 76,500


Group I: IDR 16,500

Group II: IDR 25,000

Group III: IDR 25,000

Group IV: IDR 33,500

Group V: IDR 33,500

3. Kuala Bingai Toll Gate

Kuala Bingai-Binjai:

Group I: IDR 27,500

Group II: IDR 41,000

Group III: IDR 41,000

Group IV: IDR 55,000

Group V: IDR 55,000

Kuala Bingai-Stabat:

Group I: IDR 10,500

Group II: IDR 16,000

Group III: IDR 16,000

Group IV: IDR 21,500

Group V: IDR 21,500

4. Tanjung Pura Toll Gate

Cape Pura-Stabat:

Group I: IDR 37,500

Group II: IDR 56,500

Group III: IDR 56,500

Group IV: IDR 76,500

Group V: IDR 76,500

Cape Pura-Binjai:

Group I: IDR 54,500

Group II: IDR 81,500

Group III: IDR 81,500

Group IV: IDR 109,000

Group V: IDR 109,000