Perdana Tampilan, Tiko Aryawardhana Asks BCL Not To Be Dragged In The Case Of Alleged Embezzlement Of Funds

JAKARTA - Tiko Aryawardhana finally appeared after being officially reported by his ex-wife, AW alias Arina Winarto for the alleged embezzlement of funds that allegedly cost his ex-wife up to Rp6.9 billion.

Previously, Tiko underwent examination as a witness at the South Jakarta Metro Police for approximately 10 hours accompanied by his two attorneys.

In his first appearance, Tiko only conveyed a request related to his wife, Bunga Citra Lestari alias BCL.

Where he emphasized that this case was a problem between him and Arina Winarto and had nothing to do with his wife.

"Alhamdulillah, today's examination has been completed, I want to get it to my friends to inform you that for example this is my problem with my ex-wife," said Tiko Aryawardhana at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, July 11.

Therefore, Tiko asked the media crew not to include the name or photo of BCL in the news of this case.

"There is nothing to do with my problem with Bunga. So please don't write down BCL or use his photo in the news of this problem, thank you," added Tiko Aryawardhana.

Previously, Tiko Aryawardhana was reported by his ex-wife on suspicion of fraud and/or embezzlement in office. Tiko is suspected of causing losses with a total of Rp. 6.9 billion

This was revealed by Leo Siregar as legal adviser to Arina Winarto alias AW who explained that this incident occurred from 2015 to 2021.