Kemenpora Gelontorkan Dana Rp516 Miliar Untuk Sukseskan PON

The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemepora) officially disbursed Rp516 billion to support the implementation of the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON).

This support was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), PB PON XXI Aceh region, and PB PON XXI 2024 North Sumatra region, on Thursday, July 11, 2024.

"This shows the Government's commitment to improving sports achievements. We hope for successful, successful achievement, economy, and administration," said the Menpora.

The amount of funds will be channeled to six needs at the biggest national sporting event. The amount of the budget in each post is different.

The largest figure for the procurement of match facilities in the two host provinces. In detail, Aceh received IDR 138 billion and North Sumatra received IDR 101 billion.

Then, in the field of matches for Aceh, the Government distributed Rp72 billion. Meanwhile, the distribution of funds for the North Sumatra region is Rp74 billion.

Next. distribution for the implementation of IDR 60 billion, distribution for the Closing Ceremony of IDR 41 billion, and distribution to support the implementation of IDR 30 billion.

"With this cooperation agreement, we hope that all parties can work together to support and synergize to create successful PON," said Dito.

PON 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra will take place on September 8-20, 2024. This year, a total of 67 sports will be competed.