Build More Serious Tourism Through The Tourism Bill Guide

JAKARTA - The Draft Law (RUU) on the Third Amendment to Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism is officially an initiative of the DPR. The DPR initiated changes to the Tourism Law for sustainable quality tourism.

"This Tourism Bill carries a new paradigm, namely sustainable quality tourism," said Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, Wednesday, July 10.

"This step was taken to change the views of the Government, both central and regional, so that it is more serious and consistent in building a sustainable tourism sector," continued the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

With the new law later, Puan said that the DPR hopes that tourism management will be more professional, transparent, and inclusive. That way the whole community can feel the benefits.

"Protracted quality tourism is the key to achieving equitable welfare throughout Indonesia," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture added that the development and development of the tourism sector must be carried out consistently for the welfare of the people in various regions. Puan said that the development of the tourism sector must prioritize the interests of the community around tourist destinations and ensure that no one is harmed.

The Tourism Bill aims to build new jobs because sustainable tourism can create new jobs and increase local community income. Thus, people can experience firsthand the economic benefits of the tourism sector," he explained.

Furthermore, Puan said the Tourism Bill was also to support the promotion of cultural sustainability. Because through sustainable tourism, local culture can be promoted and community identity is further strengthened.

"This not only preserves cultural heritage, but also makes it an attraction for tourists," explained Puan.

Not only that, the Tourism Bill is also intended to support the development of quality tourism destinations. According to Puan, the development of quality and innovative tourism destinations can boost the growth of the Indonesian tourism industry.

"A well-managed destination will attract many tourists and improve Indonesia's reputation as a leading tourist destination," said Bung Karno's grandson.

The Tourism Bill will also regulate the development and involvement of Tourism Institutions. This is because the guidance and involvement of tourism institutions in the management and development of tourism in the regions is very important.

"The DPR encourages the Government to cooperate with these institutions in order to have a positive impact on the world of Indonesian tourism," explained Puan.

Through the Tourism Bill, the hope is that consistency in tourism development will increase. Puan said the Tourism Bill would later support various existing policies.

"Including the job creation program so that it can realize quality tourism and be included in the national priority scale," he said.

"Consistency in the development of the tourism sector will not only support economic growth, but also ensure environmental and social sustainability," continued Puan.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Working Committee (Panja) of the DPR Tourism Bill, Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, explained the urgency of this bill. According to him, the Tourism Bill will make the Government increase attention to the development of the tourism sector.

"If this bill is passed, the tourism sector will be one of the priorities of the Government's attention in establishing the construction of infrastructure that supports access to tourism developments," explained Agustina.

"This bill will regulate plans for all potential destinations throughout Indonesia," added the Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the DPR.