Drug Courier Recruiter Fredy Pratama Network Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison

The Tanjungkarang District Court (PN) panel of judges sentenced the defendant Salman Raziq to 20 years in the case of recruiting someone who would be used as a drug courier for the Fredy Pratama network of methamphetamine.

"The defendant was sentenced to twenty years," said Chief Justice Agus Windana during a trial at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandarlampung, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 10.

In addition to a sentence of twenty years, the judge also imposed a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to four months in prison. For these demands, the prosecutor expressed his thoughts, while the defendant and his legal advisor declared an appeal.

At the previous trial, the Public Prosecutor (JPU), Lia Hayati, charged the defendant Salman with the death penalty.

The defendant's legal adviser, Tarmizi, said he appreciated the panel of judges who had listened to the considerations during the trial.

He also highly appreciates the decision that has been handed down by the panel of judges.

"We are grateful first, meaning that the panel of judges can consider our pledoi during the trial that has taken place," he said.

According to him, based on the law, a person has the right to live in accordance with Article 28A paragraph 1 of the 1945 Law.

"Everyone has the right to live and the right to defend their life and life," he said.

The incident began when the defendant Salman together had hired 12 couriers to work on the Fredy Pratama network. The 12 couriers included Muhammad Belly Saputra, Abduh, Jeje Hardiansyah alias Kakasi, Andi, Rizal, Deded, Leo, Gilang, Wibowo Fajar Prasetyo, Sholeh, and Agus.

In April 2019, one of the defendants' recruits, Muhammad Belly Saputra, was interested in being a meth courier because he was promised a salary of Rp. 15 to Rp. 20 million per kilogram. After agreeing, the defendant Salman then contacted Muhammad Nazwar Syamsu alias Letto who was in the Red Eye Prison, Palembang.

Not only that, the defendant Salman Raziq also played a role in collecting accounts that would be used to collect money from drug transactions from Fredy Pratama's network.