Women Pacitan Perpetrators Of Premeditated Murder With Cyanide Coffee Threatened With Death Penalty

The Pacitan District Attorney (Kejari), East Java ensnared the perpetrator of the premeditated murder by sowing / mixing cyanide poison into a coffee drink that killed a junior high school student, with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment as regulated in the Criminal Code article 340 concerning Premeditated Murder.

"Our defendant is ensnared by a combination article, namely the article on premeditated murder with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment," said Pacitan Public Prosecutor Yusnita Marwani in Pacitan as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 9.

Yusnita said that apart from using the article on premeditated murder (article 340 of the Criminal Code), his party ensnared the defendant Ayuk Findi Antika with the article on Child Protection as regulated in article 80 (3) of 2014 of the Child Protection Law.

"The primary defendant Ayuk used Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary 339 of the Criminal Code, more than subsidiary 338, more than subsidiary 353 of the Criminal Code or 351 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder.

"Ayuk is threatened with the death penalty or life imprisonment or for a certain period of time, a maximum of twenty years," he said.

Confirmed separately, the defendant's legal adviser, Lambang Windu Prasetyo said, his party agreed with the indictment given by the prosecutor.

"We will not file an exception or defense against the defendant in this case," he said.

However, he still wants to see the facts of the trial. Because, there are many irregularities in this case. "There is no objection that is exponential, then to proof only," he said.

The Pacitan Police previously handled the case of the death of a MTS student with the initials MR (14) after drinking coffee made by his father, shortly before leaving for school on Friday, January 5, 2024, which was a content of cyanide poison which was secretly sprinkled by the victim's neighbor, the defendant Ayuk Findi Antika (26).

The case of the unnatural death of MR's teenager after drinking coffee at his home located in Sudimoro Village, Sudimoro District at that time had raised allegations of the role/involvement of the victim's father as a coffee cook at that time.

However, after a scientific investigation into the cellphone of witness AFA, the police concluded that the victim's neighbor was the perpetrator of cyanide poisoning into a coffee drink which MR then missed.

This act was to distract the case of the theft of the victim's ID card, ATM card and account book in mid-December 2023.