Pelita Air Will Bring 3 Aircraft To Support New Routes This Year

PT Pelita Air Service plans to bring in three new aircraft fleets to add flight routes this year.

Commercial Director of PT Pelita Air Service Asa Perkasa said that currently the medium class airline only has 12 flight routes throughout Indonesia. However, several big cities such as Medan and Makassar have not been reached by Pelita because they still lack planes.

"So from 11, our hope this year can be 14 planes. Of course, with the current conditions whether it comes on time or not, it is also challenging for us because now almost all airlines need it, so it's a bit of a fight," Asa said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 9.

Asa said that the three Airbus A320 aircraft would later be prioritized for routes such as Medan, Makassar and Lombok.

He hopes that the fleet can arrive before September 2024 so that it can accommodate the implementation of the Mandalika MotoGP, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara which will take place at the end of September 2024.

"When the plane exists, maybe we will prioritize flying to these cities. Of course the target is Lombok this year, I also have not confirmed in what month we can, hopefully the 12th plane will come soon to be able to support flights to Lombok," said Asa.

According to him, currently Bali has become the favorite flight route. In a day, Pelita can do it two to three times.

In addition, the route to Balikpapan, East Kalimantan and Pekanbaru, Riau is also the most popular flight destination.

"Bali is quite a favorite, meaning that we can collect profits on that route. In addition, Balikpapan and Pekanbaru have a big contribution to Pelita, Balikpapan we fly three times a day, from Balikpapan we also have routes to Surabaya and to Jogja," said Asa.