Ngeband Burnout, Ariel Predicts NOAH Will Be Vaccinated For Two Years

JAKARTA - Since the beginning of 2024, NOAH has stated that they have been on hiatus for an undetermined time. Burnout due to busy activities after the pandemic, Ariel et al chose to take a temporary music break.

Banyang suspected that NOAH would hiatus within at least one year. However, from Ariel's narrative, vocalist and lead songwriter in the group, he thought that this hiatus period would last up to two years.

"Not too late a year, bore?" asked Vincent Rompies in the video that aired last July 8th. "I think it's even two years like it," Ariel replied.

When asked further about the comeback plan, Ariel admitted that he could not confirm it. One of the reasons is because the decision relates to other personnel.

"We'll see later when the children are also in the mood, they've returned or not. Lukman is wearing a band, maybe looking for a new experience, like Uki, who once made a new band," said Ariel.

Various speculations arose because Lukman and Reza are now banding together, even Ariel is still singing with Rossa for the diva's documentary. From there, many thought that something was in NOAH itself.

Before the vacuum, actually NOAH had prepared a new single which also involved Otong Koil. However, according to Ariel, the song has not been completed, until its release has to be delayed.