Musica Studios Compare Shakira Jasmine With Taylor Swift

JAKARTA - Musica Studios music label reveals the development experienced by one of its artists, Shakira Jasmine. Chandra Samhari as Head Marketing & Promotion confidently said the 'Meant 2 Be' singer had projections like Taylor Swift.

Since joining the label at a young age, Shakira Jasmine, who is currently 21 years old, has seen several improvements. Not only as a singer, he was also active during the production of new songs.

"Now Shakira can arrange and producer too. If you look at Taylor Swift who has composed songs from the age of 13, I think the same as Shakira. We'll just have to wait for the sustenance," said Chandra Samhari during a virtual press conference, Monday, July 8.

Furthermore, Chandra sees Shakira as a serious person when working on her music project. The singer is also considered to have his own uniqueness.

In line with Chandra, Arland Djoewarsa as A&R Musica Studios said Shakira was actively involved in many things when working on her new single entitled Benar Salah.

Shakira Jasmine is one of the artists I know is talented. Not only singing, but can play instruments and write songs. Here, the development is not only in the lyrics and vocal notation, but Shakira is involved in music production," said Arland.

"Now, Shakira is developing herself to be able to produce her own, she wants to produce her own songs. And I as A&R don't want to block her development," he continued.

What Musica Studios says can be seen in many perspectives. What is clear, Shakira Jasmine still needs to work harder. Before reflecting on Taylor Swift, the singer needs at least to secure her position among many talented young female soloists in the Indonesian music industry today.