Dog Food Will Hold Bark Day Fun Run To Support Indonesian Dog Welfare

JAKARTA - In recent years, cases of dog slaughtering for consumption have become increasingly widespread in various regions in Indonesia. One of the most shocking cases was the rescue of 226 dogs that occurred in early 2024. The dogs were found in bound feet and mouth conditions, and their bodies were wrapped in sacks in closed trucks while passing on the Cipali Toll Road to Central Java.

Although this issue has long existed, attention to the dog meat trade continues due to a lack of strict regulations. Social media was also busy with sympathy and concern for the fate of these dogs. Many people feel compelled to help, but often don't know how to contribute.

Dog Food, one of the local dog feed brands produced by CPPETINDO, sees this as an opportunity to engage in social issues that are important for dog lovers. In the context of the 2nd anniversary of the Indonesian Dog Dog,men want to invite everyone to participate in a movement that supports the welfare of the dogs through the Bark Day Fun Run.

The event will be held on August 11, 2024 on SPRARK, Island 1, Jakarta, and offers an exciting and valuable experience with pet dogs. Bark Day Fun Run is a real place for support for dog lovers and efforts to help animal shelters. Part of the results of this event will be donated to support the welfare of the animals in need.

Acara ini adalah kesempatan emas untuk menunjukkan cinta kita pada anjing sambil berbuat baik lebih banyak. Dengan bergabung dalam acara ini, Anda juga mendukung kampanye "Anti Jagal, Mari Jaga Kesejahteraan Anjing" yang bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Jaan Domestic Indonesia dan Dog Meat Free Indonesia. Dengan menandatangani petisi di, tanda tangan dari peserta akan dijadikan suara yang mendorong perlindungan dan kesadaran akan pentingnya kesejahteraan hewan di Indonesia.

This event will be enlivened with interesting activities such as Fun Run 2KM, Photo Contest, Talk Show about dog care, and much more. Not to forget, there are also Vet Checks, free pet dog health checks and consultations with veterinarians.

Julius Roland Sebastian, Business Unit Head of CPPETINDO, said that this event was not only about celebrating my birthday, but also about having a real positive impact on the welfare of dogs in Indonesia.

"We hope that all participants can enjoy this moment and at the same time support our campaign," said Julius, in his statement, Monday, July 8.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow dog lovers, share warm moments, and strengthen ties between dogs and their owners. Whether as a proud dog parent, a loyal dog lover, or dog enthusiast in general, let's join this unforgettable exciting experience!

Registration can be done through with ticket prices starting from Rp. 75,000 for presale and Rp. 100,000 for normal tickets. Participants will receive Race Packs and products frommen. In addition, part of ticket sales will also be used as donations for illegal dog shelters in Indonesia.

Immediately register and record the date of this event on your calendar. For more information and registration, please visit the website and Instagram @roccodogid.