Foods That Can Shorter Life, Here Are Some Lists

YOGYAKARTA - Eating patterns really affect a person's health and age. This time we will discuss food that can shorten life. Listen until it's finished, yes!

Try to avoid foods that are high in bad fat and also high in sugar to avoid disease. If you eat foods that are full of nutrients, of course your body will be healthy and fit. Vice versa.

Consumption of unhealthy foods, such as high sugar, high bad fat, and high cholesterol can cause inflammation in the body.

Here are some foods and drinks that are said to shorten life.

I. Red Meat

Red meat is one of the foods that causes cancer. Experts say, red meat has a risky content that can cause tumors and cancer which can greatly shorten the age.

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II. Processed Meat

According to experts, people who like to eat processed meat are prone to damage blood vessels and complications. Not only that, the saturated fat and trans fat contained in processed meat can increase cholesterol levels to increase the risk of heart disease.

Not only that, processed meat is also a factor in chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Because, the addictive and chemical content in processed meat is not good for the human body.

Drinks That Can Shorten Your Life

I. Coffee

The cafe contained in coffee does not pose a risk of dangerous disease. However, drinking coffee too often can actually result in not being good for health.

The content of caffeine in coffee can increase blood pressure due to stimulant factors in the nervous system. It can increase the risk of stroke and heart disease due to disturbing arteries or blood vessels. Meanwhile, recent research says, drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day is still on a safe threshold.

II. Alcohol

Liquor has ethanol to sugar that can disturb nerves and other organs of the body. Not infrequently, people often consume alcohol tends to have a long life because this one drink is considered to stimulate various diseases such as liver cancer, oral cancer, throat cancer, esophagus cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer.

III. Soda

Chemicals contained in soft drinks are said to be able to disturb the brain to increase the risk of being slashed so that they tend to be short-lived. China is one of the countries with high diabetes rates because its citizens often consume soft drinks.

Body Detox By Natural Way Is The Solution

Body detox is a process of removing toxine and dirt from within the body to maintain total health. If you are interested, in order to be safer and more effective, you should carry out body detoxes in natural ways.


I. Consumption of Rich Fruits and Vegetables for Water

Fruits and vegetables that have a lot of water, such as cucumbers, watermelons, and tomatoes not only hydrate your body, but also help in the detoxification process. Water in fruit and vegetables help clean the digestive system and remove toxins from the body.

In your daily life, make sure you consume at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables. You can try to make fruit smoothies or make attractive and delicious vegetable salads. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in fiber so that they can help clean your intestines.

II. Implement Balanced Eating Patterns

A balance diet is the key to protecting health and carrying out the detoxification process. As well as complex carbohydrates, such as protein, healthy fats, and fiber in your diet to maximize the body detox process.

In choosing food, try to sort out better sources of carbohydrates, such as brown rice or wheat bread. Then, look for plant-based protein from nuts and healthy fats from avocado or olive oil. Don't forget to add vegetables and fresh fruits to your dish to get enough fiber and nutrients.

III. Try Fasting

Fasting can occasionally provide rest time for the digestive system. Fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation in the body. Not only that, fasting also gives the body time to clean the digestive tract and eliminate the accumulated toxine in it.

However, it is important to fast under the supervision of medical experts. Should consult a doctor or nutritionist before trying this method. Thus, the method of fasting that you choose is always in accordance with the ability of your body.

So after knowing food that can shorten life, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!