Floods Hit 7 South Tangerang Village Reportedly Gradually Recede

TANGERANG - Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the South Tangerang BPBD Management Agency, Essa Nugraha, said that the current conditions in 7 sub-districts in the region had gradually receded. Now they are cleaning their respective houses after being flooded. Allhamdulillah, it has receded.' Currently, residents are cleaning their respective houses," said Essa when confirmed, Sunday, July 7. Essa said that the floods in her 7 regions had recededed since Sunday, July 7, at 08.00 WIB. Dari morning, bang has recededed," he said. On the other hand, said Essa, his party is currently handling fallen trees after the rain on Saturday, Saturday 6 Saturday, yesterday. For today the team is handling fallen trees,' he said. Previously, the Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said there were 7 sub-districts from 367 families in South Tangerang that were affected by the flood. The 7 affected sub-districts are Pamulang Barat, Rempoa Village, Kranggan Village, West Jurangmangu Village, Sawah Village, Jombang Village, and Jelungang Village.

He appealed to the public to always increase their vigilance and preparedness for potential wet hydrometeorological disasters such as floods and landslides even though they were in the dry period. "If there is heavy rain for more than an hour, residents are advised to evacuate independently to safer places," he concluded.