Encourage Financial Inclusion, Bank DKI Sharia Business Unit Ready To Support Jakarta's Muhammadiyah Banking Transactions

JAKARTA - Bank DKI through the Sharia Business Unit (UUS) is ready to support the needs of banking transactions of the DKI Jakarta Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PW Muhammadiyah) as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which was signed by the Director of Retail and Sharia of Bank DKI, Henky Oktavianus and Chairman of PW Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta, Akhmad H. Abubakar in Jakarta on Saturday 6 July.

The signing coincided with the Monthly Routine Recitation event with the theme "HARI BERMAHMADIYAH" and was also attended by the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir and the President Director of Bank DKI, Agus Haryoto Widodo, as well as a number of important figures from PW Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta.

President Director of Bank DKI, Agus Haryoto Widodo, expressed his hope that the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding could increase the inclusion of Islamic finance in DKI Jakarta.

"Bank DKI through the Sharia Business Unit continues to develop innovative products and services according to the needs of the community. We believe that this collaboration with PWM DKI Jakarta will expand the reach of Islamic financial services and make a positive contribution to the sharia economy in Jakarta," said Agus.

"Bank DKI also continues to support digital banking services that can be used by PW Muhammadiyah and also Muhammadiyah Business Amal for the needs of education, health, economy, social, and places of worship," added Agus.

The MoU scope includes cooperation in providing Islamic financial products and services for DKI Jakarta PWM, including opening savings, demand and deposit products, consumer financing products such as Multi Guna Credit iB and KPR iB, both commercial and Housing Financing Liquidity Facilities (FLPP), as well as retail and corporate financing.

The scope of this understanding also includes cooperative agencies, Hajj and Umrah registration services, product and service utilization, and programs based on sharia banking principles which are fatatized by the National Sharia Council.

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Haedar Nashir expressed his appreciation for Bank DKI and hoped to improve good relations with Bank DKI. He also expressed his hope that Bank DKI can support the needs of Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta through transactions that provide convenience, security and provide benefits to the people.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added that this collaboration marks the first step in a series of collaborative programs between Bank DKI Syariah Business Unit and PWM DKI Jakarta. Both parties are committed to continuing to establish intensive communication and coordination to ensure the implementation of cooperation runs well and provides optimal benefits for all parties involved.

"With a close partnership spirit and collaboration, Bank DKI Sharia Business Unit and DKI Jakarta PWM hope to jointly encourage the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia, as well as make a real contribution to the welfare of the people and society as a whole," concluded Arie.

Bank DKI has implemented a Dual Banking Leverage Model (DBLM) system that allows customers to access sharia products and services throughout Bank DKI Branch Offices. Various choices of Islamic products and services of Bank DKI, including iB savings accounts, iB giro, iB deposits, to sharia financing such as KUR, investment financing, working capital, retail and micro, and consumer iB.