From Yahya Zaini To Aceng Fikri: Public Official Whose Integrity Drops Imbas Scandal Of Love

JAKARTA - The integrity of a public official is often destroyed due to a combination of three things: property, throne, and women. The three of them have great destructive power. For those who can control their desire for wealth so that lust can be an example of officials with integrity.

Those who fail to control, surely their fate is in a puddle of regret like Yahya Zaini and Aceng Fikri. The two public officials are not famous for their achievements. They are known for their love scandals to become public consumption.

The career of an official can be destroyed by the love scandal, not new goods. For example, there are everywhere. A career like the president of a superpower country (US), Bill Clinton, was destroyed in the 1990s.

This condition is not much different from those who are only high or middle officials. Everything boils down to superiority. Officials, especially men, have established positions that are held have an influence. The echo while making their capacities to women increase.

Yahya Zaini @golkar_id What is his position in TKN @prabowo nil @Dahnilanzar?

Officials in Indonesia have a good understanding of the narrative of assets, thrones, and women. Scandal after scandal that has caused a stir seems to have become commonplace. Yahya Zaini's case, for example. The People's Representative from the Golkar Party initially enjoyed the hard work in the world of politics.

The man who was born on Bawean Island on April 24, 1964, is widely known as a student activist. Yahya is known to have served as the General Chair of the Central Board of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) from 1992-1994. He was also appointed as a special staff of the Minister of Public Housing, Akbar Tanjung in 1993.

The career was able to make him advance as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2004-2009 period. It is said that Yahya will be nominated by Golkar as Minister of Youth and Sports. Problems arise. His love scandal with singer Maria Eva emerged to the public at the end of 2006.

Worse yet, the news emerged because the recording of the intimate scenes of the married man and Maria Eva was scattered. Controversy is of course. Shame especially. Yahya's career was badly damaged at that time, a speck of nila was damaged by sebelanga's milk.

In his relatively young age, Yahya now chooses to leave politics. Apart from resigning from members of the DPR, he also pulled out from Beringin. Last Monday, last week, with his wife, Yahya directly submitted a letter of resignation from the party's management to Jusuf Kalla. The letter was submitted to Kalla's official residence in Central Jakarta. From the 45-minute meeting, Kalla ensured, "Pak Yahya will take part in another world."

"If Yahya loses his political future, Maria Eva is actually entering a glorious period. Because, even though he has been on the entertainment stage for a long time, Eva's name has not flown. Only after the recording of the intimate scene was widely circulated, Maria suddenly arrived at the order," said Wenselaus Mangut, Sutarto, and Rini Kustiani in her article in Tempo magazine entitled From the 42 Seconds (2006) Scene.

The difference between Yahya Zaini, and Aceng Fikri is different. The regent of Garut in the 2009-2013 era was not excited because of the recording of intimate scenes. Aceng was actually excited because the series of marriage scandals shocked the whole of Indonesia. Aceng, who had an initial, turned out to be married in a serial manner to Fani Oktora on July 14, 2012.

The marriage to the 18-year-old woman had no problem at all. However, Aceng is like the culprit for his own life. As long as he divorces his wife four days after marriage, only via text message (SMS).

The reason for his divorce is considered unethical. Aceng said his sir's wife had lied about her virginity status. He also felt a loss of hundreds of millions because he had married Fani in a serial manner. Aceng has proven that the initial Fany is claimed to be a virgin, it turns out that it is not in accordance with what he said.

Instead of Aceng's heartache loss, hurt actually arises from the general public. Aceng is considered ethically flawed. He also violated the Marriage Law. This condition brought Asung inevitably to leave his position as Regent of Garut.

The love scandal of Yahya Zaini and Aceng Fikri is also proof that property, throne, women have a big role to play in the ups and downs of a public official's career. Incidentally, both of them chose their own path to fall from their respective political arenas. Some resigned. Some were impeached.

"Now there is nothing that the Regent of Garut Aceng HM Fikri needs to do unless he is prepared to lose his position. He must accept political and legal reality. M menghkamah Agung télah decided on the impeachment of Aceng, the case that was offered a month earlier by the Garut Regional House of Representatives. Resistance in any form to this verdict will be useless.

The Supreme Court of Justices stated that the opinion of the Garut DPRD that Aceng violated ethics and the oath of office was in accordance with the law. This means that his controversial marriage case cannot be considered merely a personal matter. However, Aceng is a public official," wrote the Tempo Newspaper report entitled Aceng Fikri, Never mind (2013).