Head Of HMS Center Hardjuno Wiwoho: BLBI Recap Bonds Have Confiscated The Right To Life And The Future Of The People

JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Revival of the Prosperous Society (HMS) Center, Hardjuno Wiwoho, emphasized that the bonds of the amalgabilization of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) have seized the rights of life and the future of the Indonesian people.

How not, the interest cost of state debt reaches IDR 700 trillion every year, and this figure continues to grow in a pluralistic manner. This situation creates a heavy burden that must be borne by the community.

Hardjuno, again reminded that the BLBI scandal and the BLBI recap bonds are not only economic problems, but also issues of justice and law enforcement.

In his view, the handling of BLBI is often only lip service or just a political promise without concrete action. Whereas the most important thing is concrete action to pursue the perpetrators and ensure state money can be returned.

He admitted that since this scandal emerged, the government has taken several steps to resolve it. One of the latest developments is the establishment of the BLBI Fund State Collection Rights Task Force. This task force has succeeded in securing assets claimed to be worth IDR 111.2 billion, including several properties in South Jakarta.

"Meskipun demikian, langkah Satgas BLBI ini masih jauh dari cukup karena aset itu belum diuangkan artinya value klaim. Dan lagi, itu baru BLBI-nya, masih ada masalah bond recap BLBI. Kerugian karena bayar bunga rekap ini yang harus segera dimoratorium," kata Hardjuno, dalam keterangannya, Jumat 5 Juli.

Dr (Cand), a student of the Airlangga University's Law and Development Doctoral Program, emphasized that in the situation of very heavy economic pressure and fiscal burden such as these years, the moratorium on the payment of recap flowers and the confiscation of assets of BLBI evaders must be running in a line.

"The government must dare to stop paying recap interest rates that continue to increase the burden on state finances and provide full support to the BLBI Task Force to complete the withdrawal of state receivables from BLBI obligors," said Hardjuno.

By suppressing the interest expenditure of recap bonds, the government can focus more on economic recovery and improving people's welfare. This moratorium can also be the first step to improve transparency and accountability in the management of state finances related to the BLBI case.

In addition, the role of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in this case is also considered very important. The KPK has handled several related cases of BLBI, including ensnaring Syafruddin A. Tumenggung, the former Head of the National Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN), who is considered to have abused his authority in granting a Lunas Certificate (SKL) to Sjamsul Nursalim, one of the BLBI obligors. However, this law enforcement effort is often hampered by various factors, including the weak political will and political actions of the country's leaders.

To resolve the BLBI scandal completely, the government needs to show a stronger commitment and take firm steps. This includes evaluating previous government policies that tend to benefit BLBI obligors, announcing reports of advances in debt collection to the public, and bringing uncooperative perpetrators to the realm of law.

According to Hardjuno, this BLBI problem involves not only the financial aspect but also public trust in the government and the legal system. Therefore, serious and transparent handling is needed to ensure justice for the Indonesian people and the country's sustainable economic recovery.

"The BLBI scandal is the largest economic crime in the history of eradicating corruption in Indonesia. Even though it has passed about 26 years since 1998, the resolution of this case is still far from complete," he said.

Separately, the Professor of Law from Airlangga University Surabaya, Suparto Wijoyo, said that BLBI corruption and the payment of BLBI recap bonds have hurt people's hearts because they have seized their right to life and future with such a high interest expense.

"The people are only stunned to witness corruption actors who are mostly respected, and on average receive higher education. The anger of citizens over the theft of state money has created annoyance," said Suparto.

According to him, the corruption of each segment really threatens the country's resilience. The public must be called to deal with increasingly bold corruption. Academia and various anti-corruption parties can manage the spirit of the people to strengthen the KPK and the Attorney General's Office.

"Healthy narratives say that so that corruption crimes are not protected, corruption cases such as BLBI should not be raised without being prosecuted," he concluded.