5 Signs Of Food Eated Containing Good Nutrition

YOGYAKARTA Nutrition or nutrition is an important aspect that needs to be obtained in a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition in food, of course, provides positive benefits. Including helping weight management and of course supporting physical and mental health. So, what are the indicators or signs of eating foods that contain good nutrition? Here's the list.

The plan to eat foods that contain balanced nutrition has a positive impact on body composition. This must of course be understood, foods that vary and choose will support physical health in relation to the level of body fat.

In men, the ideal body fat level is between 18-24 percent and women 25-31 percent. This means that in addition to maintaining a diet, eating according to portion, it must also be followed by exercise. Why exercise, because physical activity supports metabolic health in a number of ways. Such as increasing the function of healthy hormones, insulin sensitivity, and physical recovery.

The level of cholesterol in food does not have a major effect on blood cholesterol. Because cholesterol levels in the blood can be influenced by all activities, although eating is also one of them. What is eaten, it is important to consider. In addition to looking for references to what foods contain the nutrition according to the body's needs. It is also important to reduce consumption of sodium or salt which when consumed mostly triggers an increase in blood pressure.

Consumption of nutritious food, of course, cannot be seen directly. But it can be recognized by the signs felt by the body. One of them, the condition of the skin and healthy hair if you eat enough nutritious food daily. It is important to know, hair loss for no apparent reason is often a sign of malnutrition. The skin also looks fresh and moist when the food you consume contains good nutrition.

Getting the right amount of nutrients and calories will help you stay energized because of its ability to push for good sleep. If you feel lethargic and not excited, it could be a sign of a lack of calories or nutrients. It also puts the body in a 'hung mode' that inhibits activity.

The movement of the intestines in the digestive system reflects whether you consume enough fiber or not. When constipated, eat more fruits and vegetables to improve the digestive system.

Even though the five signs that you have eaten nutritious food above, according to Hungrycrab, Friday, July 5, you still need to check your health regularly with the doctor. Because medical check-ups are important to do to increase the chances of success in maintaining health in a sustainable period of time.