Jabodetabek Transportation Integration Value Observer Needs More Authority

JAKARTA - Urban planning observer Yayat Supriatna assessed that the presence of a single authority that has the authority to regulate and manage the entire transportation system in an integrated manner across administrative areas is still one of the main challenges in the integration of Jabodetabek transportation.

He said that currently there is no body that has full authority to regulate and integrate all modes of transportation in Jabodetabek.

Although the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ), which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Transportation, already has several programs and initiatives, such as JR Connexion Jabodetabek and a buy the service (BTS) subsidy, their authority is still limited.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Transportation also has a role in regulating transportation, namely regulating the amount of subsidies given to mass transportation including the Jabodetabek KRL.

Yayat assessed that the integration of the combination rates for KRL, MRT, LRT and TransJakarta requires technical coordination with the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Jakarta.

"If the fully subsidy of the service is given to the DKJ Provincial Government, then Jabodetabek's institutional automaton is fully under the authority of DK Jakarta," he said.

Yayat also questioned whether the Agglomeration Council, which was proposed in the Draft Jakarta Special Region Law (RUU DKJ), would later have the authority to address transportation integration problems in Jabodetabek.

"An explanation is needed regarding the duties and responsibilities of the Agglomeration Council in the transportation sector," Yayat said.

There are several main operators for the integration of Jabodetabek services at this time, namely PT KCI, PT Trans Jakarta, Jabodebek LRT and JR Connexion.

Yayat said the combination rates between KRL, MRT, Jabodetabek LRT, Jakarta LRT, Trans Jakarta, JR Connexion, as well as the calculation of tariffs for inter-city distances and travel travel times are one of the things that must be considered in order to realize the integration of Jakarta transportation payments.

A similar opinion was also conveyed by the Daily Management of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) Sudaryatmo.

He said that the presence of transportation authorities that have the authority to cross administrative areas between local governments is one of the challenges in realizing the integration of tariffs and transportation systems in Jabodetabek.

"As long as there are no institutions that have authority that have the authority to cross administrative areas between local governments, in my opinion, the integration of tariffs is not easy to implement," said Sudaryatmo.

The establishment of this authority, according to him, requires clear legal products and support from local governments.

"The authority itself needs legal products. Is the government willing to take part of its authority?" he asked.

In addition to institutions, the non-uniformity of public transportation routes and business models for public transportation operators are also said to be a challenge in the integration of Jabodetabek transportation.

"There needs to be a route or route for public transportation based on community needs," he said.

He also emphasized the importance of involving private companies in transportation integration.

"I hope that if later integration is formed, it will not only be BUMD, but also private companies, it can be in line with the existing system so that the reach can be wider," he said.