Director General Of EBTKE Invites USAID To Study Potential Marine And Wind Energy In Eastern Indonesia

JAKARTA - Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Eniya Listiani Dewi invited the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to conduct research related to the potential for new and renewable energy in Indonesia, especially Eastern Indonesia.

"The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources asks USAID to deliver studies in Eastern Indonesia related to the potential of sea currents, wind so that they can accelerate," said Eniya at the Green Economy Expo, Thursday, July 4.

Eniya explained that currently the Directorate General of Electricity and PT PLN (Persero) is intensively discussing the construction of superlattices which are planned to stretch along Sumatra to Java Island which is connected via submarine cables. Eniya explained, in the roadmap, it is stated that this supergrid will also connect electricity from Sumatra to Batam to Kalimantan and Sulawesi Island.

"What happened? In Eastern Indonesia there is no grid. Our efforts are where there is the most use of diesel," continued Eniya.

Moreover, said Eniya, currently many refining or smelter industries are starting to develop in Indonesia.

Eniya said that he also received requests related to the acceleration of mining industry in Southeast Sulawesi, which requires large amounts of electricity.

"This industry asks 'this geothermal does not exist, hydro is not delivered, the only possibility is nuclear'. I am surprised that the mining industry has been pursued for green electRICity. I invite investment in transmission can be accelerated," concluded Eniya.