Realization Of NIK Funding As NPWP In Bali Capai 99 Percent

The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) noted that the realization of the matching of the Population Identification Number (NIK) as the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) in Bali Province was recorded at 99 percent.

"As of June 30, 2024, there are only 14 thousand domestic private taxpayers (WP OP DN) in Bali Province whose NIK is still not valid out of a total of 1.29 million registered taxpayers," said Head of the Bali DGT Regional Office Nurbaeti Munawaroh quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, July 3.

According to him, as many as 99 percent of WP OP DN whose NIK-NPWPs have been matched, both independently by taxpayers and automatically through the system.

"The Bali DGT Regional Office has carried out a series of socializations since the Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP) issued in 2021, especially the use of NIK, 16-digit NPWP, and the Identity Number of Business Activities (NITKU) as an identity in carrying out tax administration," he said.

In 2024, his party will be more intensive in conducting socialization, especially for tax administration services that are ready with the use of 16-digit NIK, NPWP, and NITKU such as taxpayer registration, making proof of cuts and reporting of Notification Letters (SPT) for the PPh Period.

"I represent the entire ranks of the Bali Directorate General of Taxes, urging taxpayers, both private and agency members to start adjusting to use 16-digit NIK, NPWP, and NITKU in utilizing seven tax administration services that are ready," he said.

DGT, said Nurbaeti, is one of the agencies that supports One Data Indonesia so that in the future tax administration services in Indonesia will use NIK and be integrated with other government public services.

Previously, the Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations of the Directorate General of Taxes, Dwi Astuti, said that since July 1, 2024, there are seven administrative services that can be accessed using 16 digits of NIK, NPWP, and NITKU, namely 1) Taxpayer registration (e-Registration); 2) Taxpayer Profile account on Online DGT; and 3) Taxpayer Status confirmation information (KSWP Information).

Then 4) the issuance of cut evidence and reporting of SPT Period of PPh Article 21/26 (e-Bupot 21/26); 5) the issuance of cut evidence and reporting of SPT for the Unification PPh Period (e-Bupot Unification); 6) the issuance of cut evidence and reporting of SPT for the PPh Period Article 21/26 government agencies and SPT for the PPh Unification Period of government agencies (e-Bupot Government Agencies); and 7) objection submissions (e-Objection).

In addition to being accessible with the three types of identity numbers above, the seven services can still be accessed with 15 digits of NPWP.

"The number of NIK-based administrative services as NPWP, 16-digit NPWP, and NITKU will continue to increase. Gradually, we will announce the addition of services that already accommodate NIK as NPWP, 16-digit NPWP, and NITKU," he said.

Dwi added, if there are certain services other than the seven services and services that are not included in the list of announcements that will be issued by the DGT, then Taxpayers can still access them using a 15-digit NPWP.

"Therefore, Taxpayers do not need to worry because all tax services can still be used," he said.

For other parties affected by NIK as NPWP and 16 digits of NPWP, DGT provides system adjustment time until December 31, 2024. The other party in question is the agency or government agency that provides tax services that include NPWP in providing its services.