Minister Jokowi Calls The Republic Of Indonesia Facing Triple Planetary Crisis, What Is It?

JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa revealed that there is a phenomenon of horror about the Triple Planetary Crisis or the crisis of three planets. This condition is said to be facing humanity in the world, including Indonesia.

Suharso said, Triple Planetary Crisis refers to three main related problems, namely climate change, increased pollution and environmental damage and the loss of biodiversity. All three have their own causes and consequences that have an impact on the future of the earth and humans.

"Like other countries, Indonesia is also facing Triple Planetary Crisis today, namely climate change, increased pollution and environmental damage and the loss of biodiversity which is increasingly affecting people's lives," said Suharso at the Green Economy Expo 2024: Advancing Technology, Innovation and Circularity at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.

Based on a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) submitted by Suharso, the earth's temperature continues to increase to reach 1.45 degrees Celsius in 2023. This condition is above the average of 1850-1900 and is expected to continue to increase in the coming year.

Then, 2023 is considered the hottest year in history due to long-term climate change and the impact of El Nino. The sea absorbs about 90 percent of the energy from the climate system. As a result, the highest warming will occur in 2023.

"Even now the trees are difficult to breathe," he said.

As a result of the impact of climate change, Indonesia is said to have the potential to experience economic losses due to disasters of up to IDR 544 trillion during 2021-2024. The loss is expected to continue to increase if there is no significant policy intervention.

"The impact of climate change in Indonesia has the potential to cause economic losses and is estimated to reach IDR 544 trillion around 2021-2024 and there are areas that are at risk of sinking," said Suharso.

"Like some of Demak Regency and we also witnessed how in Pekalongan there is one area that is often hit by tidal waves, the bridge has collapsed again. Then also in South Kalimantan," he added.